Too much girl talk

All the stuff with Lois and Supergirl was just annoying. Sorry writers but in a story about Superman battling a intergalactic evil android jumping to scenes of two girls chatting it up really kills the momentum of the movie IMO.


I thought is was fine because love Supergirl. I do agree that they gave her a lot of screen time for a film that's called SUPERMAN Unbound, almost to a point where she's the main character, and Superman is just the father figure in the story, so i can imagine if you're expecting this film to be all about Superman, you might feel like this.
The same goes for Superman Apocalypse. I watched that because Supergirl is in it, but when i was done with it, i did wonder why it's not called Supergirl: Year One or something, because it is the story of how she came to earth and stuff.


If I had my way, the title would have been: Superman & Supergirl Unbound.

I do agree that Superman Apocalypse should have been "Supergirl: Year One.

I liked the chat between Supergirl and Lois. It made sense. Lois is her cousin's girlfriend so who better to have a conversation with?


One scene is too much? Such attitudes are why the Bechdel test was invented.

