MovieChat Forums > Derek (2013) Discussion > Get rid of Kev and BRING BACK KARL!!!

Get rid of Kev and BRING BACK KARL!!!

Kev: Every word he utters is disgusting. He looks like a tramp. Basically the crude side of Gervais, but certainly not the funny side.

Dougie (Karl): Every word he utters is hilarious. Looks like Ken Dodd. Was in it from the start and now there's a gaping hole where he should be hoovering up the laughs. Basically the funny side of Gervais.

This show isn't the same without him and his 'replacement' Geoff (Colin Hoult - one of Gervais's pals from Life's Too Short) is just a meaner, but slightly less deluded (and therefore not as funny) Gareth-from-the-office-clone.

It's a shame that he also seems to be friends with David Earl (Kev) too, because he was in Cemetery Junction AND Extras! Stop writing roles for your mates Ricky (well apart from the funny Karl!) and start remembering this is meant to be more a comedy than a 'wince at everything Kev says' show...

I'm not sure I'll watch the potential series 3 without Mr. Pilkington as he's hilarious.



Agree somewhat - I'm not fully caught up with series 2, but it's almost like they tried to fill the Dougie gap by adding more Kevin in one of the earlier episodes. Kevin works just barely in small doses, but anything longer than about 10 seconds is really too much.


After Episode 5 today I've changed my mind about Kevin. This was a very
touching episode (as if they don't keep getting more and more touching)
and what he made for Derek blew me away. The writing for this show is
really great and while I'll miss Karl he didn't want to do any acting,
preferring to do more road trip shows. His heart just wasn't into doing
the show.


the new guy is a good actor but he's a joke, it just feels like he's there to get fired so karl can come back and be more appreciated, never is he funny, I seriously thought he would get fired two episodes ago so karl would come back and the cast would be thrilled, his character has really negatively affected the show in my opinion, kev is taking up the slack but maybe a bit too often

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


Kev was quite funny in the first series. But now Gervais seems to use him as a crutch. The show hasn't had any jokes for a while, get Kev to say something vulgar. It loses it's vale and becomes a bit tired pretty quick.


But the show isn't trying to be funny.


Of course it is. What a weird thing to say. The show is a comedy-drama which usually means it admittedly isn't quite funny enough to be a comedy or dramatic enough to be a drama - so it's a comedy drama.

And Gervais's background is solely in comedy. So how is his script and performance NOT trying to be funny and amuse people?

However he does fail dismally to amuse many with every line Kev and the new guy speak...


Pilkington doesnt want to return. He doesnt like the acting vibe from what Ive read. I love Karl, truly, love him but I get it. I truly hate the Kev character. I get that we all have a background story but this one even I cant stomach. Its the whole disgusting scurge of society thing that takes me down. Maybe they should try to expand the character alittle further to allow us disbelievers to adapt. I think this show is brilliant. And to you nay sayers F&*^ Off. The emotional connection to the show and the characters is unbelievable. Thanks Ricky for sharing this with us. Im a true believer in your message. I volunteered when I was a Girl Scout leader because it was expected of me but now I want to do it because it would make me feel good.


Despite what Ricky says Karl is very important to the show. As soon as Karl left the show it took a huge nose dive. If Karl isn't coming back for series 3, then the show just needs to end with series 2.


Despite what Ricky says Karl is very important to the show. As soon as Karl left the show it took a huge nose dive. If Karl isn't coming back for series 3, then the show just needs to end with series 2.

I agree 100%

Bet you a tenner it'll get a series 3,4 and 5 though!


I think Ricky knew how important Karl was to the show but he had to put a positive spin on things to keep people interested in the show. If he says it's a devastating loss and the show won't be the same without him, why would people even bother watching?


What do you have against visual descriptions of piston thrusting?
