MovieChat Forums > Derek (2013) Discussion > Holy crap the special was great.

Holy crap the special was great.

I really pity those who don't "get" this show.


Did he do another "special" episode I'm not aware of because the original special was many, many months ago.

But... He was just on Jimmy Fallon talking about ending Derek.... so confused.


We are just getting it in the States this past Friday on Netflix but I see where it was originally a Christmas special ... Halfway through and looked here to realize this is also the finale



I thought Hannah going off on Kev after he set the kitchen fire was a bit too out of character?


You have a point but considering Hannah is a terrible character that makes no sense anyway it doesn't matter.


Hannah is too much of a martyr?


No because she's violent and abusive and displays little concern for the people she's meant to be caring for.

She headbutted someone in front of the cameras. Called a relative a *beep* had sex with her boyfriend on the job and laughed at the idea of having to bathe one of the residents.

She is a horrible person.


Hannah works 60 hours a week. That chavette deserved the headbutt. Show me where she didn't show concern for the people she was caring for. Show me one scene. Yes that cow deserved to be called that for only visiting to collect her mom's ring. So what if she had sex with her boyfriend? She needed to get pregnant.

You are a horrible person that even Derek might not like.


Assault is assault and this show prides itself on these character being admirable. In general people don't go around headbutting others. It's pure thuggery. A better move would have been for Hannah to tell them not to judge a book by its cover. That would have shown her in a good light and been a positive message. Gervais though proved what he thinks of 'chavettes' and people of lower social standing.

The birthday episode where she didn't bother to help a resident with bladder problems because she was more interested in comforting Derek. She even rolled her eyes and made a sarcastic comment about it.

It is not her place to judge relatives behaviour especially not on camera. It's completely inappropriate and unprofessional. She doesn't know the woman's state of mind or her history with her mother. Again she is meant to be a good person. Good people do not talk like that about others.

I'm not answering your last point. It's beyond dumb.

Derek is an unpleasant little twerp too. To be considered a good person by his standards would be an insult.


I don't think so. Her frustration with Kev had been building for two seasons, I'm surprised she didn't lose it sooner.
