MovieChat Forums > FrackNation (2013) Discussion > Putin Teams Up With Left Wing Activists ...

Putin Teams Up With Left Wing Activists to Stall Fracking

Guess which doc had two journalists claiming Russia was supporting anti-frackin Green fundamentalists? FrackNation with James Delingpole and Neil Buckley! Guess what NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen just confirmed! king-with-environmentalists-to-oppose-fracking Anti-Fracking-Campaign-Says-NATO-Boss

Two ½ More Years! Impeach Me! $17½ trillion!


LOLOLOLOL!!! The idiot OP doesn't seem to realize that Greenpeace and Putin are at loggerheads - Greenpeace recently attempted to board a Russian oil-rig and were promptly arrested; there is speculation that Greenpeace were paid off by certain European politicians in order to sabotage Russia's claims to the Arctic and it's oil riches. In short, Putin and Greenpeace are most definitely NOT working together. OK, first off the Guardian article merely quotes Rassmussen; And anyone would have to be seriously lobotomized to believe a word that is printed on deceased coke-fiend Breitbert's website.

The reason why Putin and Greenpeace have been lumped together is simple: NATO (under orders from The US) wanted revenge on Russia for foiling their plan to invade Syria. They started a coup in The Ukraine to grab the oil in The Crimea (which is the part of The Ukraine that produces oil - you know, the rich part of town. The CIA came in and paid off people to protest against the Government (that stupid cow Victoria Nuland was crowing about how she wasted - sorry, spent 5 billion in US taxpayer money to 'promote democracy' - that is, bribe people to throw molotov cocktails to overthrow the elected, legitimate government). The CIA flew in snipers to kill people from both sides in the conflict - and them blame the opposition for the mess THEY created. They even hired Neo-Nazis to attack people. The government was overthrown - then the idiots in power started a hate campaign against Russia. Except that all the people in The Crimea (who speak Russian) felt threatened and started a referendum to re-join Russia. The referendum was a success and Crimea is now part of Russia. So now the part of Ukraine that NATO and the US ACTUALLY WANTED TO CONTROL FOR IT'S OIL and SPENT BILLIONS IN OVERTHROWING THE ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF UKRAINE FOR ... is now in their mortal enemies' hands. And it was their own stupidity that created the situation; Putin didn't even lift a finger. He just played the waiting game and allowed them to gather enough rope to hang themselves. The idiots in charge in Ukraine currently - namely, Yanukovich (a Jew), Timushenko (a Jew), Yushchenko (another Jew) and their main campaign funder - US "ambassador" (a term I use loosely) Victoria Nuland (yet ANOTHER jew - what is this - some sort of Bar Mitzvah?!!), now preside over a Ukraine that has Neo-Nazis (who they helped to fund and train) shooting people, robbing banks and setting synagogues on fire. Morons.

NATO which has generously donated their helicopters to the Neo-fascists in charge of Ukraine to help shoot protesters in Donetsk suddenly have a problem; They can't get the oil from Crimea as Putin has it now. So they decided to go for plan B; Fracking. Except that from Poland to The UK, everybody HATES Fracking - something to do with the materials used in the Fracking process being highly toxic and borderline radioactive which tend to seep into the drinking water underground, resulting in poisoning the populance.

Here's the skinny: Fracking is notoriously unreliable - the projected 'boom' in Fracking is a hoax: Most wells run dry after as little as thirty years and at present only 30% of the estimated output target has been reached - simply put: The US has run out of oil. Saudi Arabia is runing out of oil. And The US has angered everyone who does have oil. Expect big trouble ahead. All the hype is just that: Hype. Fracknation should be filed under the 'fiction' genre instead of the 'Documentary' one.

Fracking also results in a six-fold increase in seismic activity, so expect plenty of earthquakes soon! Since normal people are averse to BOTH earthquakes and toxic drinking water - Rasmussen has somehow (in an alcoholic haze, no doubt) decided to blame BOTH Russia and Greenpeace, who despite being at loggerheads have (in his fevered imagination, at least) joined together in a fiendish effort to make Rassmussen say idiotic things. Putin said nothing (although he probably was silently smirking to himself) while Greenpeace, in a very blunt reply, ridiculed Rassmussen by saying what everyone else is thinking:

"What are they (at NATO) smoking?"

Link to the article:


Here's the skinny: Fracking is notoriously unreliable - the projected 'boom' in Fracking is a hoax: Most wells run dry after as little as thirty years and at present only 30% of the estimated output target has been reached - simply put: The US has run out of oil. Saudi Arabia is runing out of oil. And The US has angered everyone who does have oil. Expect big trouble ahead. All the hype is just that: Hype. Fracknation should be filed under the 'fiction' genre instead of the 'Documentary' one.

Here's the skinny: You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Here is a great informative article on the economics of an oil well: ting-well-production.html

To say this recent oil boom is a hoax is the funniest thing I have heard in ages.


"Here is a great informative article on the economics of an oil well: ting-well-production.html"

Riiiiiight. Your link was nothing but a puff piece on ESTIMATES (i.e., what some fat cat THINKS is going to happen) versus REAL historical FACTS which state that the average life-span for a shale well is barely 30 years. In fact, most independent researchers (you know, people NOT paid off by the Oil & Gas industry to sing the praises of fracking) estimate even WORSE figures. Wells typically produce 70% of their resource in the first year, followed by a steep and rapid decline. Less than 10 percent of 9,000 Texas shale wells had recouped their estimated production costs within their first seven years. In the oldest shale formation, aging wells are re-fracked multiple times to keep them from running dry. Re-fracking costs millions of dollars and requires millions of gallons of water. So it's NOT cheap.

P.S. You lost whatever credibility you didn't have by linking to a website linked to big oil & gas business - it's not like THEY have a vested interest in overestimating figures or being biased or anything, right?


You're a pretty funny troll


"You're a pretty funny troll"

An you're a real laugh riot, shill ....


"Here is a great informative article on the economics of an oil well: ting-well-production.html"

Riiiiiight. Your link was nothing but a puff piece on ESTIMATES (i.e., what some fat cat THINKS is going to happen) versus REAL historical FACTS which state that the average life-span for a shale well is barely 30 years. In fact, most independent researchers (you know, people NOT paid off by the Oil & Gas industry to sing the praises of fracking) estimate even WORSE figures. Wells typically produce 70% of their resource in the first year, followed by a steep and rapid decline. Less than 10 percent of 9,000 Texas shale wells had recouped their estimated production costs within their first seven years. In the oldest shale formation, aging wells are re-fracked multiple times to keep them from running dry. Re-fracking costs millions of dollars and requires millions of gallons of water. So it's NOT cheap.

P.S. You lost whatever credibility you didn't have by linking to a website linked to big oil & gas business - it's not like THEY have a vested interest in overestimating figures or being biased or anything, right?






The CIA flew in snipers to kill people from both sides in the conflict - and them blame the opposition for the mess THEY created. They even hired Neo-Nazis to attack people.

Where do you get this conspiracy theory BS? I see, you cite Do you even realize Russia Today is Putin's propaganda organ, just like Pravda?

So what if Russia stole Crimea and it's oil, that has nothing do with my OP. Putin will manipulate westerners like USSR did since before we were born. That's why Stalin call you Useful Idiots.


"Where do you get this conspiracy theory BS?"

Dear, I used to work in a newspaper - it's common knowledge that the CIA uses snipers both in Bosnia and Syria to kill people in order to fuel outrage at governments America wants to topple. For proof:

This is a news article depicting a leaked conversation between Katherine Ashton and The Estonian foreign minister. The leaked tape has been confirmed as GENUINE and Ashton didn't even bother to deny the allegations. Admission of guilt right there.

"I see, you cite Do you even realize Russia Today is Putin's propaganda organ, just like Pravda?"

Idiot. RT has more credibility than the whole of the US mass media combined. They may be biased in favor of a Russian perspective, but they cover news that the US mainstream won't touch. Like this one here:

Kinda makes your claims about fracking being safe redundant, right?

"So what if Russia stole Crimea and it's oil, that has nothing do with my OP."

They didn't steal it at all you moron. that's THE WHOLE POINT. Stop using inflammatory language. The only thieves here are your ancestors who stole Indian and Latino land. And if Putin has nothing to do with your OP why did you
mention him by name in the first place?

"Putin will manipulate westerners like USSR did since before we were born."

Only person spewing B.S. here is you.

"That's why Stalin call you Useful Idiots"

And the only useful idiots in this world are those that think that The USA is a force for good, that the US mass media speaks the truth and that Israel is not a bunch of parasites. OK?


The only people who cite RT are anti-American and conspiracy nuts. You did it twice.

The rest is typical lefty delusions. "Stolen Latino land", what does that even mean?


Evidence of Russian funding for Green propaganda keeps coming in. Hundreds of millions!

Foreign Firm Funding U.S. Green Groups Tied to State-Owned Russian Oil Company
Executives at a Bermudan firm funneling money to U.S. environmentalists run investment funds with Russian tycoons d-to-state-owned-russian-oil-company/

The Environmental Policy Alliance, which provided the Washington Free Beacon with a copy of an upcoming report on Klein Ltd.’s Kremlin ties, said Wakefield Quin’s ties to environmental financiers and Russian oil barons merit closer scrutiny.

“The American public deserves to know whether environmentalists are attacking US energy companies at the behest of a Russian government that would like nothing more than to see their international competition weakened,” Will Coggin, a senior research analyst at the EPA, said in an emailed statement.

“In the face of mounting evidence, environmental groups are going to have to start answering hard questions about their international funding sources,” Coggin said.
