MovieChat Forums > Spun Out (2014) Discussion > Middle Aged Kids in the Hall

Middle Aged Kids in the Hall

Just watched this episode and..maybe it's because I'm a huge KITH fan, but it was easily the best episode of the series thus far. I was surprised I liked it so much, because I thought the previews looked awkward but it lived up to the hype (hype I created in my own mind cause I love them so much) and exceeded my expectations. I was thinking they would only be a small part of the show so I was thrilled to discover they were in pretty much every scene. I thought Kevin and Mark were great (Mark did a version of his Durill character, at least in vocal mannerisms). Bruce was a bit awkward at first and got better, and I was hoping Scott would have more lines but he was the least heard from out of the KITH members. A lot of laughs in this one, and it was great to see them back together again. I want to see more of them together, but I know it's probably just a one time thing, especially since this show may not last very long. So overall, not a huge fan of this show so far, but loved this episode!

