A 4.5? Really?

I'm watching this from the States specifically because of Dave Foley, and that it's a kind-of-sort-of News Radio parody, and while it's NOT News Radio, there is no way it deserves a 4.5. The first episode was pretty awkward, but I still laughed enough to continue and I think it is hitting a bit of a stride. I also like the bloopers at the end of each episode.

JP/Bryce has a bit of a Jim Rash/Dean Pelton vibe, albeit less creepy.

I like Al/Nelson as the pretty boy narcissist. He doesn't seem like a complete stereotype.

Darcy/Gordon is just f'n weird, but not overly so. I mean, he was really funny in the episode with the special chair.

Paul/Beckett isn't as charismatic as a lead should be, which I admit is a bit weird in a bad way.

Same kind of situation with Rebecca/Stephanie, but she's getting better. She was cringe-worthy bad in the pilot.

Holly/Abby is just plain hot. I think she could pull off being funnier/less awkward with a better script. That being said, I need to reiterate that she's really hot.

I assume Canada gets all the major US network broadcast shows from ABC, CBS, FOX, & NBC, and even though Spun Out is rough around the edges, I don't see it as any worse than a bunch of our comedies, such as:
The Neighbors / The Goldbergs / Dads / Mike & Molly / Men At Work / The Michael J Fox Show / Enlisted / Raising Hope / Two & A Half Men (After Charlie Sheen) / Mom / The Middle / Super Fun Night / Suburgatory.

Then again, maybe I'll just watch anything Dave Foley does. That is probably very likely. But still a 4.5? Dave by himself should get at least a 5.5. haha.


Sometimes some Canadians suffer from a need to judge home grown shows harshly as though using a whole other standard than they would for an import.

It is as though they get sort rush of pride from beating up on a new Canadian show. To this I point out the first season of Seinfeld (not that this is in any way a fair comparison, I use it only to illustrate a point). The first season of Seinfeld was so cringeworthy, Jerry in particular, it is a wonder they made it. If it had been Canadian, it would have scored a 2.


I understand to a certain extent because Canada created some of the most iconic sketch comedy shows I've ever seen in Kids in the Hall & SCTV, and lets not forget Canada's having incubated many, many funny comedians/comedic actors, but I guess since I'm not Canadian I won't understand the reason some people set the expectation bar so high for Canadian comedy. I mean, when America regularly comes out with giant piles of donkey **** like "Til Death," "Allen Gregory," "Up All Night," or "Sit Down, Shut Up," I feel that America should be the angry, critical audience, not you guys.

I also watch the Canadian comedy "Mr. D," and while I chuckle from time to time, I don't think it's ALL that great, but it gets a 6.5 on IMDB, while Spun Out is now at a 4.6.


I agree. I have been guilty of it myself in the past. I've watched movies and made assumptions about the origins only to find out said movie was shot in California by Americans. So, clearly, Canadians do not have a monopoly on "looking Canadian". I have since learned the folly of making assumptions about the quality of a show based on its origins. Not all British shows are amazing (most of my favourite shows are British but that's only because I choose what I watch. If you don't like it, turn it off.)

I am amazed at how many shows get a pass from the scathing tongue of Canadian armchair critics because the show is an import. It makes me laugh especially when I read comments such as "...it LOOKS so Canadian!" (as though this is the greatest insult we could ever heap on our own work) yet I have read comments from Americans who feel the same show to look "like a classic American sitcom".

I've decided hockey is not the national sport, it's kicking the crap out of homegrown efforts.




there is no way it deserves a 4.5.
This show is pretty bad, there can be no argument there. But it certainly deserves a mid 6. Just for Dave Foley. The guy has always had great comic timing. I'm being bias I suppose because I like Foley but the show is not so bad it deserves a 4.5. Many sitcoms are just as bad. Most are really.

It has a real 90s sitcom feel. Maybe that is deliberate or just poor production. But it does have the odd funny moment. I'll watch it for Dave and if it goes off the air I won't exactly miss it. But a couple hot girls and Foley is enough to kill 22 minutes

It does make me ask why he hasn't had another big sitcom since News Radio. Somewhat of a waste of his talents


I'm watching from the states too and I think they should take 2 points from this and give them to Testees. This show would be bad regardless of where it originated.

And a shaved head is the only comparison with Pelton.

I think my percentage of Chimp DNA is higher than others. Cleaver Greene


Considering most (maybe all?) of season 2 has finally aired now, I think the show is a 6. I tend to rate in a grading scale. This does make me laugh so it's not a complete failure but no way I'd say this is top tier comedy or worthy of anything above a 7. But that's me. If you want something genuinely funny I thought Hiccups (yet another canadian comedy) was rather exceptional. Heck I still go back and rewatch episodes of Hiccups and it's pretty family friendly at that (which is rare these days).


I enjoy the show. I've written a couple quick reviews on here and more on TVRage, before that site went down. It has the 90's feel of Newsradio and Just Shoot Me, and other comedies from my favorite period.

Holly Deveaux is funny and beautiful. I hope a US show will give her a role soon.
