Saw prescreening

Saw a screening with my friend a few months ago and completely forgot about it until now. I'm surprised there hasn't been more news on this movie- it really wasn't too bad


Wasn't too bad or was it actually good?


I don't wanna spoil it lol but I enjoyed it- some parts were well executed while other parts especially the ending seemed rushed and underdeveloped. Like there was a forced love interest and other normal routine film cliches but it was far from horrible- I don't wanna spoil it like I said before Tho. Lemme put it this way, I'd rent it for a few bucks


How was Analeigh Tipton in it?


Honestly she was pretty good, I saw it like in November tbh so I can't recall exactly key details about her performance but I believe her character overall was my favorite in the film and she can carry her own in an emotional scene


Nice, I love her. Think she is hugely underrated.


Yeah I hadn't seen her in anything else before but I think she really can steal the show - I actually am excited to see the movie again and see how they changed it





Yeah. I mean it was entertaining for what it was-nothing groundbreaking. I would rewatch it just to see what they changed though
