
This film will make you want to blow your brains out it's so depressing. Just 90 minutes of horrible people doing horrible things to each other. The main dude is such a raging pussy that he *beep* up every interaction with his wife and ex girlfriend. His wife is immature and cold, and ends up unapologetically cheating on him by the end. The ex does nothing but get in the way of his relationship with his wife, and constantly *beep* with the main dude's head. The french mom/son are creepy and seem to have to no qualms with *beep* up other people's lives to serve their own narcissistic desires. In fact, the only characters who didn't seem to illicit feelings of intense hatred was the yeast infected coworker and her dimwitted boyfriend. Every man was either a pathetic simp or a douchebag, and none of the women were held accountable for their *beep* I was shocked to learn that the script was written by a man, as I was sure only a woman would have written such drivel. Anyways, that's my 2 cents!
