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Rings/Underworld/Resident Evil flops of 2017

Rings just broke 15 million and it's already starting to decline and bomb. It probably will end up around 20 million. Although it has a lot less theaters than other films.

The top movie of Thursday didn't even break 1 million. Is January/February just a very slow month?

How did La La Land, Hidden Figures and Split break that curse? Word of mouth? What was the generation who saw it? Old people? You'd think all the young people would flock to see these fun action/horror flicks. Split wasn't really horror, more so thriller/psychological.

A Dog's Purpose broke 35 million, which is decent. It'll end around 40 million.

Seems like XXX was the only action film to actually do well so far this year. It broke 41 million which Resident Evil should've done easily!


The LEGO Batman Movie (4,088 theaters) - $76.0 M
Fifty Shades Darker (3,710 theaters) - $43.5 M
John Wick: Chapter Two (3,113 theaters) - $26.0 M
Split (2,957 theaters) - $7.6 M
Hidden Figures (2,667 theaters) - $6.4 M
Rings (2,931 theaters) - $6.1 M
A Dog's Purpose (3,021 theaters) - $5.5 M
La La Land (2,065 theaters) - $5.3 M
Lion (1,337 theaters) - $3.0 M
The Space Between Us (2,758 theaters) - $2.3 M

I guess Rings will break 20 million! Resident Evil won't even make 2 million. It's done for. Last week for RE in theaters. :'(


I don't think it has anything to worry about, it cost 40 million, already made back 120m internationally, and will probably do very well on digital/demand/blu-ray/etc.


I know that, but I just don't understand

All the films were negatively criticized. How is this one any different? Did all the RE fans from the past films suddenly die? Are they protesting Trump's presidency? It's weird. I can understand if it made like 35 to 40 million, but 25 million? The trend makes no sense...

Unless Retribution was so horrible that fans just quit riding the franchise and abandoned it. Retribution made 2 million more than Genesis. If Retribution was slightly better, on par with Afterlife, do you think it would've changed things? Retribution is like the curse of RE. It shouldn't have been made...

The Final Chapter 25m (tops)
Genesis 40m
Retribution 42m
Extinction 50m
Apocalypse 51m
Afterlife 60m


The other films took a lot of flack based on the silly plots and goofy, cliche nature of the action, but fans knew what they were in for and were happy to sign up for more of the same.

However, The Final Chapter comes along a full five years later - the longest gap by a significant margin in the franchise - a lot of people have given up, and it's also been seriously slated on aspects like the terrible editing, major inconsitency with core plot points of previous movies, disappearance of almost every main character from Retribution, etc.

I think it's just a few different factors really. But the film still did good business, I've no doubt another sequel on a similar budget (40m) would be greenlit.

Personally I think The Final Chapter (by a wide margin) and Afterlife are the worst in the series.

For me, the fact I hate The Final Chapter is primarily the terrible plot which retcons it's own backstory, but also the dreadful editing and lack of character continuity play a big part too.

Just the perfect storm sort of thing. I wonder what Paul is making to all the backlash over the editing in TFC.


I understand your frustration with TFC. A lot of errors and laziness can affect your judgement on the franchise. Knowing this is the Final Chapter, Paul kept hinting at since the beginning that it would resolve Alice's character and he kept his word, regardless how inconsistent the rest of the plot may be.

I loved The Final Chapter because we finally learn Alice's back story, she had a lot of dialogue in it and we see her grow even more with the characters that were thrown in with little to no development. When Ruby died, you could see Alice was full of anger. Even after the "Molded/Bloodshot" fight, she glared up at Wesker and was so full of emotion. Milla put her all in this Final Chapter and tying in the 'sacrifice' moment, I put this Final Chapter up at the very top of the franchise.

I may be overlooking everything else, but you can't deny this franchise was about Alice. Alice's sacrifice was one of the greatest moments of the entire franchise, along with her gaining her memories back from her childhood she never had. I can't even think of another scene in any other film that was as iconic as Alice's sacrifice. Her face all dirty, bloody and tears streaked down her face as oncoming zombies charging at her and you could tell she was battling a huge fight inside of her after all 6 films of LIES of her true identity.

Retribution is worse than Afterlife. I can see why people hate Afterlife, hence the huge transition from Extinction, a gritty dirty, film where it went all stylized slow motion action behind green screens. But...

Afterlife had one of the strongest plots of the entire franchise. I listed all the key plots in another thread that really did push the plot forward. I feel like people really didn't pay attention in Afterlife. It's in my Top 3 of 6.


It's the SIXTH film in the franchise. After a certain point you are like "I'll watch it on DVD/Blu-ray/Netflix", even if you are a fan.


That didn't stop Harry Potter. Or Lord of the Rings. Or Star Wars. But those are horrible comparisons. They are blockbusters.

What about the Saw franchise? The franchise has been on a slightly decline, but with The Final Chapter '3D' it actually gained more at the box office. People were curious about this apparent "end". Although that's another horrible comparison because it was released in October, which was Halloween. And it was a tradition to go see Saw every year on Halloween night.

Saw 6 made 27 million. The next made 45 million because it had "Final Chapter" tagged in it. And yet, here it's confirmed there is a Saw 8 in works and coming out sometime later this year. (Which will happen to Resident Evil). Paul will need money when his vision of Monster Hunter doesn't even break 90 million WW.

Resident Evil is his income, believe it or not. He will make at least 200 million WW by simply making another one.


Monster Hunter is HUGE in China and Japan. It'll make 90+ million in those two countries alone.

I know you're a huge fan, I am too--but the Final Chapter flopped for a variety of deserved reasons.

To answer your question: La La Land was beloved by critics, and audiences slowly embraced it too. By the time it expanded into wide release, audiences were on board. Same with Hidden Figures, which both audiences and critics loved. Split only cost a fourth of TFC's budget too, so it was a smash from day one. Literally made back it's entire budget on it's opening day.

Rings flopped because it's a mediocre story that dropped the previous movie's leads, along with being delayed at least 3 times by a studio that had no faith in it.

Blood Wars flopped because it's been too long since the last Underworld, and the last one was pretty bad. It also had no real marketing.


Audiences have been seeing what they want to see and avoiding what they DON'T want to see. It's exactly that easy. People didn't skip Rings because of its mediocre story, because you'd have to see it to even know that. Also, Ring 2 wasn't as much of a hit over a decade ago as the first one had been, that franchise went away for a reason, and most of these other more recent franchises were already on the way down with casual viewers to begin with. The fanbase for RE and Underworld isn't nearly as big as they think they are.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


If everything followed a model Hollywood would have figured it out and they would be making only successes. So it's pointless to compare everything with everything.

That being said;

Saw 3D did well because of the 3D craze, like RE Afterlife did for the same reason. These two had good word of mouth, because of that reason.

Rings came out 12 years after the second installment in the series which was quite poorly received and with none of the original cast returning. And of course it has terrible word of mouth.

Underworld, same reason as RE6, way too many sequels for people to keep their interest and word of mouth is "well, it's just another sequel". Even the reviews of RE6 poke fun that "sure, sure, it's the 'final' chapter, Anderson, we totally believe you 😉". While I truly believe the series is over, my point is worth of mouth is "just another sequel."


Saw 3D actually DIDN'T do well, as it was the second lowest grosser of the series in the US, which if you remove the 3D ticket prices, may place it even closer to the bottom in terms of attendance. That series really went out with a whimper.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


It didn't do that well on the whole, yes; but compared to the previous movie it did see a significant bump, which doesn't happen often. So it certainly must have made them happy, as their expectations must had been for it to make about the same, or even worse, than the previous film.

6th: US: $27,693,292 Other: $40,540,337
7th: US: $45,710,178 Other: $90,440,256

Usually one doesn't expect for the 7th film in a franchise to compete with entries 1-3, when the franchise was in its prime.


Saw 3D did well enough, considering its 17 million budget.

It doesn't matter if it's the "second lowest" in US, considering it was the highest of the series overseas.

Every Saw movie did well enough, even Saw 6.

Resident Evil is performing fine overseas, but not so good domestic. However, calling it a flop, is really over the top.

Rings is probably not making 100 million worldwide, and Underworld crashed both domestic and overseas. So, perhaps both Rings and Blood Wars should be the only real examples of flops.

I would even dare to say that Blood Wars probably will make a profit, because it was cheap. Hell, perhaps RIngs too.

So, this whole topic is just over the top.


It was in 3D when everything in 3D was seeing a bump internationally, which is the only reason why the 4th Resident Evil did such crazy overall business. It did fine with the next one, but this newest one has only done about 40% of the international business of the 4th. If Saw 3D saw a bump, it probably wasn't because of any genuine interest, it was more likely because of a gimmick that hasn't been as much of a selling point in the 7 years since the last one.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


It's 2017. These are has-been movie series on their last legs.

<Goodbye friends. This community was the best thing ever.>
