Chris and K-Mart (spoiler)

Do you reckon they're still alive (possibly being held by Umbrella) or did they die on the ship attack?


Seriously? That wasn't explained in this? FFS... (I haven't watched the new one yet)


Oops sorry, should have put a spoiler warning (even though it's not much of a spoiler). But yes, Claire says she was captured by Umbrella and was to be brought to the Hive but she escaped en-route. No mention is made of Chris or K-Mart


No worries, yeah that wasn't much of a spoiler. That is hella disappointing, but I can't say I'm surprised... Characters seem to disappear from this franchise with every entry.


Claire never mentions Chris's name in this movie. What's wrong with you selling lies?

She only said that she escaped. But in any moment at all she mentions Chris.


Sorry, I must have misremembered.


It showed that the filmmakers were not really concerned with the need for continuity in the narration. I could accept the disappearance of K-Mart, since while she established some kind of rapport with Alice, she was not a really crucial character. But surely you can't have Claire in this film without Chris even being mentioned. It seemed Chris was introduced earlier intending a significant role for him later in the story but later they just dropped that.


Apparently Wentworth Miller was not available to join the cast (according to IMDB FAQ page for this movie; I'm not sure what the conflict was).


Even if chris wasnt able to appear but claire should have mentioned what happened to her brother.


Good point.


Yeah, very good point. The disappearing characters and lack of acknowledgement/continuity is one of the most frustrating aspects of this flawed series.


he was on set, maybe not to shoot something but he was there.


Oh, cool! Source?
