WTF happened in DC?

Is it explained in novelization/comic/game how Alice ended up in a [?] bunker under the white house... really damn annoying.

Wesker didn't really reinfect her with the Tvirus? Not that it matters, because you can survive a plane crashing full speed into the side of a mountain

What happened to Ada/Jill/that dude/ and the 'daughter' ... hell, what happened to Claire's brother?

These sequels can be so damn disjointed it gets confusing

Yeah, and 7 billion rotting corpses= ecological disaster


The DC fight is detailed in the movie novelization. It sucks that they completely skipped it for the movie.


Can you divulge any info...
Don't know if I'll get my hand on one, i'm more interested in the fate of the 'daughter' since I'm guessing it was a clone of Alicia/Alice as a kid [I kind of got attached to the whole "I am your mother now part -and it looks like that whole part was tossed]

Thanks if you can

[spoilers ahead if he does]
