MovieChat Forums > A Matter of Faith (2016) Discussion > atheists/darwinists who admit your peer...

atheists/darwinists who admit your peers were WRONG for stealing?

Many atheist/darwinists posters on this board are butthurt, because, it seems, some of their peers stole footage from this film and then the filmmakers held them accountable for their theft.

This thread asks the question: is any atheist/darwinist out there willing to take the moral high ground, and admit that your peers were WRONG to steal footage from this film?

Similarly, will any atheists/darwinists admit that their peers should not be butthurt over and blame the filmmakers for their fellow peers' acts of theft/piracy?

If any atheist/darwinist sincerely admits these things, I will be shocked & impressed. But I'm not expecting that that will happen.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" - Gilman


:: Many atheist/darwinists posters on this board are butthurt, because, it seems, some of their peers stole footage from this film and then the filmmakers held them accountable for their theft.

Give it up, troll. You've already been exposed. Wow, you are desperate.

First, how could anybody "steel footage" from a film that hasn't been released yet?

Second, let's see your EVIDENCE. (I know that you don't know what evidence is---but most readers do.)

Thirdly, Christian creationists don't use sodomy slang like "butt hurt". Big blunder on that one.

Fourthly, the only footage released was the TRAILER. And trailers are AUTOMATICALLY EXEMPT FROM DCMA CLAIMS. Check the law, Bozo.

The moral of the story: Despite the fact that your cover is blown, you were so desperate to make creationists look ridiculous that you thought it would be funny to make it look like creationists are too stupid to know that movie trailers used in reviews are exempt from DCMA claims. Yes, the producers of the movie may be that stupid but I don't think you are. (Or should I saw "I don't think that your character is."?) Actually the procedures aren't even that stupid but they figured that they are in the biz and have lawyers on retainer and they thought that the bogus DCMA claim would gain them publicity for the movie. After all, bad publicity is better than no publicity.

Get lost, anti-theist. You'd better go work on your YEC parody for a while. Next time, instead of doubling-down with the absurd, try subtlety. (And your ignorance of scripture is way too obvious. Until you fix that, you're not fooling anybody.)


Give it up, troll. You've already been exposed. Wow, you are desperate.

Wow, a hateful ad hommer atheist/darwinist. What a surprise, I sure wasn't expecting that.

But I will truly be surprised if one "good" atheist/darwinist steps up and does the right thing and admits that their peers stealing is/was wrong.

This thread reminds me of Lot talking to God about Sodom and Gomorrah. God required ten good people to be in those cities. I only ask for one. Will any atheist/darwinist meet the challenge? Or will more hateful ad homming follow? Let's see.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" - Gilman


For a pleasant IMDB experience: Don't Feed the Trolls!


For a pleasant IMDB experience: Don't Feed the Trolls!

This board is indeed over-run with troll posts, made by atheists/darwinists who for some reason, always troll the boards of godly films en masse. The OP of this thread is one of the few non-troll posts on this board.

But that is a separate subject from the OP, so please stop derailing this thread with offtopic spam posts like the one I've quoted. Thanks!

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" - Gilman


The troll still hasn't figured out that it is the movie producers who are in big trouble with their violation of DCMA law.

Filing false DCMA violations is a long and shameful tradition of the Young Earth Creationist ministry world. So it is hardly a first. Even trying to play the victim and portray the criminal as the "good guy" is a strategy which took Kent Hovind and his wife all the way to federal prison.

The Bible says "By their fruits you will know them" and this is yet another example. Kent Hovind, Ken Ham, Ray Comfort, and now these false DCMA violations of law. Nothing new here.

Trolls will keep trolling.


Glad to see you were nabbed on your lying about the movie producers filing false DCMA charges. I do hope they get their just reward for ignoring the law.

I thought you were a troll but wasn't sure until I saw that you tried to play a reverse on the DCMA violations. Gottcha.


I know that it is not polite to make fun of the clueless but I'm virtually certain that you're pretending that the violator is the victim just to get attention. You trollers aren't known for being original.

Of course, you play the same game when you pretend that the troll complaints apply to somebody else! Surely not to you!

(Go home, troll.)
