
I know Jeeps at the end riding around with US flags. But were those soldiers US ones? I can't imagine our guys rounding people up and shooting them. And that is not how my host father remembers it when US troups came in.


Yes they were. As such, it goes without saying that the film took some liberties there (good sequence though).


In "The Irishman", Frank shot prisoners too.


Reality in any war is you are going to have men that have seen their friends blown apart and some of them will want revenge, when they get a chance for a vengeance kill after winning a battle or the whole war they you will have some that will take it. Is it morally right? For some it isn't... but frankly I can understand it and given the atrocities that the Germans inflicted on so many people that they rounded up and exterminated I wouldn't have cared if at the close of the war the allies had executed every last German they found in Germany, young and old... The world would have gone on and it would have set a good example for future generations that when you put some evil men in power that their will be consequences for it.


Good thing Einstein got out before your sentence.


Is it? No Einstein, no atomic bombs.


The soldiers that shot the Germans (when Jojo fled) were SOVIETS.


I perceive bisrotapcv means US troops here hence this link but the same wiki page highlights other allied actions also..

and its wiki, so its your call etc


Seemed like they were speaking with Russian accents.


Those were Russians with the firing squad (note the Soviet star). The Americans were driving around the Jeep. The allied armies met up at various places at the end of the war. there's some fabulous footage of events like that
