
The Onion tried way too hard! Stick to articles!


I think its weak points are the constant bombarding with, nonetheless hilarious, 'news' and lack of actual characters. The characters themselves are nothing more than witty one-liners. It doesn't let you take a rest and after some point it becomes a little tiring. In traditional Onion style, this can't work for more than 5 minutes.


Are you freaking kidding me? You should see "The Onion Movie"...I lol'd at it. It's SOOOO hilarious.


Watched it more than a dozen times since it was released, has its moments and is very enjoyable. Been a fan of the Onion for years and watch all their web content. This seems like an entirely different thing though. I agree with barrdakota, they are trying too hard on the pilot.


I'd say this show, if picked up, would be best suited for 6 episode seasons running at roughly 22 minutes. There's a bit too many one-liners that feel like one liners (instead of part of the natural conversation).

Their best material (aside from their articles) is their 4-5 minute long fake news reports. They're perfect at that length.

It shows promise and I'd probably add this to my watchlist if Amazon picked it up, but it's gotta be tweaked just a bit.

"No, not the mind probe!"


I found the humor to be more juvenile than the Onion itself, which is a problem. I can't remember actually laughing at all -- I smiled at a few things, but that's about it.

When you have a text format, it's easier to do humor because people can just skip to whatever article they prefer. In a sitcom, you'd better be a lot more consistent or people are going to change the channel. Not everything has to be laugh-out-loud funny, but it's gotta be better than this.

I think that maybe it could have worked. Some of it was ok. Just not enough of it.


When you have a text format, it's easier to do humor because people can just skip to whatever article they prefer. In a sitcom, you'd better be a lot more consistent or people are going to change the channel. Not everything has to be laugh-out-loud funny, but it's gotta be better than this.

While I agree with you, there are many successful sitcoms that have more misses than hits while throwing jokes against the wall to see what sticks. Not all jokes land, but if enough humor manages to catch regular laughter, an audience will tune in. Family Guy alone proves that even a show with sporadic humor within a barrage of "jokes" can be successful.

Personally, I enjoyed this show, and laughed throughout.


but it has a nice rating, it can't be that bad
