Jane Fonda

I thought the film was pretty good and little Kylie Rogers definitely scored a home run but good heavens above whip me all over with a birch branch if Jane Fonda wasn't the complete misfit out of the whole cast.
Was she chosen as a diversion with her freakish looks because I found her presence a total distraction from the story line.
I'm not going to make comments about her overdone over stretched facial procedures, her freakish eyes, or her bad hair, but surely there comes a point when too much hacking, stretching and tugging tips them way over the scales of whatever it is they are trying to achieve.
Anyway that's the only gripe I had with this production other than that it's definitely worth a watch.


She's a hag alright. I agree completely with your "...complete misfit..." During the film I was thinking exactly that.


I hardly recognized her at first. She clearly has had some work done on her face.
