MovieChat Forums > Looking (2014) Discussion > Russel Tovey's Apology

Russel Tovey's Apology

@russelltovey: I surrender. You got me. I'm sat baffled and saddened that a mis- fired inarticulate quote of mine, has branded me worst gay ever

@russelltovey: If you feel I have personally let you down, I'm sorry, that was never my intention

@russelltovey: I'm proud to be who I am and proud for others We're in this together, I want you to know whatever you think I meant, I didn't

@russelltovey: I'm proud to be who I am and proud for others We're in this together, I want you to know whatever you think I meant, I didn't

@russelltovey: Until that day I'm gonna carry on being me #lowersflag x


If you start sitting around the campfire, telling scary stories -- change our names!


I think it is a very thoughtful and heartfelt apology. Accepted!


No apology needed! Let the sensitive effeminate bitches cry and complain. That's why no one wants to be like them.


I think that Russell and you are made to be great friends...


It's a nice apology, but I think it's unneeded. The gay community kills me sometimes with its hypocrisy. It get's better, but only if we don't hear anything even slightly disagreeable or WE'LL DESTROY YOU!



Any man gay or straight has a right to not want to be effeminate. It's not a big deal , stop being so dramatic.


I did put myself in Russell's shoes and that's why I don't have any issues with his comments. He was stabbed as a teen just for wearing a cardigan sweater which men weren't allowed to do at that time, so I'm sure he IS thankful his father put him in a butch school otherwise he might not be alive. You don't know Russell or what he's been through, you certainly don't know me, so take your own advice whirlpool and *beep* off!


I think the point everyone is missing here is the importance of the effeminate man. The effeminate man, often is the most abused and attacked throughout their lives.
They are the most identifiable as gay. It is thanks to the effeminate gay male that homosexuality is as acceptable.

His comments were not necessarily offensive, but eluded to potentially offensive thoughts.

Ask your effeminate gay friends if they have ever been stabbed, threatened with serious violence, received death threats etc and ask yourself if they really are all that "sissy".

They fight figuratively, metaphorically and literally every single day. They take the punches that the masculine gay men don't have to.

Similarly, the masculine gay men are able to challenge the words ideas of gay men in a different way.

Please show love and respect to both. It isn't easy being gay for anyone!

Love and peace.



In your face twats


Gay guys comes in all different shapes and forms we gotta deal with it
