MovieChat Forums > Looking (2014) Discussion > 7 Reasons Patrick And Richie Need To Get...

7 Reasons Patrick And Richie Need To Get Back Together in SPECIAL

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I fvcking hate HBO now......


I still can't believe they cancelled the show. And ratings,please. Gettin On had to have had worst ratings! There is something else happening here!


If the movie is going to be just a happy ever after ending cliché why bother with it? It will be so predictable


Happy and predictable can be so nice and satisfying sometimes.


happy and predictable make for boring tv


Not always besides I will believe HBO is going to fund a movie when I hear it is in production.


What movie about a couple being happy is any good?

And I agree, I doubt there will be any movie ending for Looking. HBO has said that before for canceled show


They kept their word in regards to HELLO LADIES. So far the main stars are on board so that is a good sign. What happened in the past was I think contract and salary disputes in regards to the BORED TO DEATH movie which never got off the ground. The easy thing for the movie is they only have to air it one night so they could easily sandwich it between the either the fall (Oct to Dec) or winter (January to March) or Spring (April to June) season.


I am not trying to be Debbie Downer, but I have lost all respect for HBO. I don't believe anything they say.


HBO!? Really!! Guess what HBO can suck on my gay male body!!


Patrick never had any chemistry with Richie compared to Kevin.


I beg to differ. Episode 5 season 1 baby.


Yes,he did! But it doesn't matter anymore does it!


Team Kevin checking in. If Patrick stays with Kevin they can both grow. Richie - God love him - said he is happier with Brady than Patrick. Why ruin that?


First of all, Richie never said that he was happy with Brady in fact he told Patrick that he wasn't even dating Brady. I know if and that is a big if this movie is made it is just going to turn into another Kevin and Patrick Show, which is why I won't be seeing it.


I won't be seeing it

oh please... you know damn well that you're gonna watch it 

If you start sitting around the campfire, telling scary stories -- change our names!


Only if I have a promise that I would get to see Raul Castillo naked and that not going to happen because because Richie will be too busy cleaning Kevin and Patrick's apartment!


he might clean it naked  think: sexy pool boy.

If you start sitting around the campfire, telling scary stories -- change our names!


I could live with that especial if Murray agree to help him out!


I never thought there was a lot of chemistry between them, either.

 The bad news is you have houseguests. There is no good news. 


Patrick never had any chemistry with Richie compared to Kevin.

I used to think this too, Patrick/Kevin were so hot in S1, cheating aside. But the chemistry kind of disappeared when they actually officially got together, cause I didn't like how it happened and how quickly they moved. I was hoping they would end it throughout the last few episodes. Groff has chemistry with most people, but for some reason Patrick had more with anyone who wasn't his boyfriend at the time.

In my head canon Patrick and Kevin broke up in the finale and hope Patrick and Richie become close. I don't know about being together-together, Patrick could try a relationship where no one needs to be a cheater for once, but at least very good friends who share a special bond.

If they make the movie maybe Kevin could have the same type of role Russel Tovey had in Pride. Without the AIDS thing though, but in length and style otherwise.

Looking for more Looking


Given the fact that Richie was all but written out of the S2, I doubt that he will have more than 2 minutes of airtime in any movie if produce. Patrick and Kevin will up whole the standard of white superiority establish by the mainstream gay media. And you wonder why no gay person of color writer appears to be outraged by the show's cancellation as our counterparts!


I'd personally like to see Kevin reduced to a cameo. I feel like his story played out to a natural conclusion by "Looking For Home," and there isn't enough time left anymore to go around and around with this triangle.

This movie, if made, is only going to be worthwhile to me if it's about the romantic reconciliation of Richie and Patrick. I don't think that's unreasonable - I think the theory of those two as endgame is supported by a million little things the series did over its run:

The way they met; the Ross-Rachel comparisons; the foreshadowing in the song Richie sang ( Oye Mi Amor by Mana, which cuts off just before a verse which translates into something like "now you're with a cold and boring guy, it doesn't suit you"); the continuing feelings Richie displayed in season two; the sadness Patrick was suppressing when he almost hooks up with a Richie stand-in at the Russian River and then has to call Kevin; the dawning awareness Patrick seemed to be having since his mother's revelation, about what he really wants in a relationship. I may be looking too closely at this, but I could go on and on.

The great unresolved thread to me is Richie's relationship with his dad. All I hope for is a sequence where he has to go home again, on some type of peacemaking trip, and Patrick goes with him. Maybe the father could recognize Patrick as someone who loves his son, or mistakes him for Richie's partner. I don't care if this is boring or sappy to people. I really feel like this is the logical and emotionally satisfying conclusion.


I would love that for the final movie myself. Perhaps Kevin reappears and temps Patrick but he ultimately concludes that he was just a fantasy for him and what he had with Richie was more real. I feel that the writing was on the wall for Kevin and Patrick at the end of the last episode.


Well, yes, I, too, thought the writing was on the wall for Patrick and Kevin and I still lean that way; but, after watching it several times I don't the the writing is on the wall so certainly.

Patrick and Richie are friends. Richie has a boyfriend. He told Patrick that Brady was better than Patrick. It seems to me that Patrick staying with Kevin is more logical than having to unwind Richie/Brady and then having Richie get back together with Patrick.

Of course, the movie could pick up months later and deal with all this in a couple of sentences.

I still want the movie to pick up the afternoon after Patrick's haircut when he goes back to Kevin and says something like "Okay. Let's do this. But if you cheat I won't promise I'll stay."

I just think Patrick and Kevin have more in common and do better together than Richie and Patrick.

Oh well. We've probably got what a year to muse on this?


He did not say that Brady was better than Patrick he said that he was more fun. And he was being a smartass because Patrick's question was inappropriate.


Oh totally. I think the Patrick/Kevin union was doomed even before that. Just one scene as an example, when Kevin dumps Jon, he barely registered that Patrick had been in a car accident, and was never seen once inquiring about the funeral. It's all about Kevin and his needs and "why didn't you pick up?" Then on top of that he bumps the guy's broken arm. I'm a believer that every little thing like that matters in a really well done show, so I'd say there were many, many signifiers that they were headed for disaster.


I agree that every little thing matters. Look how episode 10 started with Patrick not being able to get in the building. I knew that trouble was ahead. (I just wish they'd had a least one night of bliss.)

But I wouldn't read too much into the scene where Kevin is waiting for Patrick on his doorstep. They had only about a minute to do what should have been a 10 minute scene so they had to pack it in.

Also: as for little things. Kevin told Patrick he wanted to be together for life and if Patrick didn't want that he should leave. Patrick stayed. He told Patrick that he could choose to change for Patrick now that he knew how Patrick feels. Maybe he will? I know it sounds crazy but I think the whole "by the way I want an open relationship" was too out of the blue to be plausible.

Also, was Kevin saying "I want to cheat so deal with it" or was he saying "I don't plan to cheat but if it happens don't let it end things?" Two different things and I'm still not sure what he was saying, although I think it was the later.


Yeah I agree with all of that

I really hope that in the movie they can work things out.

I think that Kevin was saying that if they were to slip up then it shouldn't break them up. I don't really think he was saying that he was planning on cheating on him.


I agree, I think Kevin was simply trying to be upfront about the possibility he might have sex with someone else. And that in the moment he thought he was being honest about his ability to change and compromise for Patrick. Whether or not he can actually change, I don't know. He might be fooling himself. And after this fight, if he did cheat, would he EVER tell Patrick about it? I can't believe it, based on his history. And they'll be living in that building where literally dozens of attractive guys were just seen drooling over Kevin? Temptation for him will be so great. I just can't imagine Patrick of all people relaxing and letting go of caring about this issue.

From the way the camera goes totally slant when Kevin broaches the subject of an open relationship, to the thumping music in the background like a beating heart, nothing seemed to bode well for their future. The claustrophobic "torture chamber" element of the building for me mirrored the way Patrick was feeling very trapped in the relationship. I think theirs was "a fight to break them up," not the other option. But I concede that whether Patrick accepted Kevin or not was ambiguous. I lean towards he tried to sleep on it, but made the decision that night/morning he couldn't do it.

You said this argument came out of the blue; to me episodes 7-9 where they have this whirlwind romance felt a little, I don't know about out of the blue, but definitely rushed and weird. I thought the feelings were faked... but then certain other elements like Patrick's reaction to Richie during the Jessie Ware dance especially (which for me was the worst moment of the whole series!), made me feel like I was wrong and the show actively wanted Kevin/Patrick. I don't know.


AGREED! also telling Patrick that he's *beep* happy that he cheated on Jon.... what the hell??? Patricks facial expressions was priceless... lol


I love where you're going with this and totally agree that they have given so many hints that Patrick and Richie are endgame.. :)


I hope so! I'd hate to be wrong. I am way too invested, haha


Anyone in disagreement and thinking Patrick and Kevin are endgame are missing a crucial point that stood out... Patrick is a romantic through and through... The creators confirmed that...That scene with Kevin is not only about the surface argument... Kevin will never give Patrick his happily ever after... He's ruined that possibility forever.. Trust me... Andrew Haigh is a romantic...

It's not only that Kevin wanted to explore the possibility of an open relationship that was the ultimate deal breaker.. It was Kevin's lack of conviction at the fact that he cheated on Jon... With what he referred to as little things... In Patricks mind it made him realize that Kevin was cheating even when he supposedly was still in love with Jon...Anyone who is a romantic at heart such as Patrick see's that as totally unimaginable... So yeah they had great sex and cute moments... but Prince Charming doesn't ride in on a horse after getting a "meaninglessness" little hand job at the massage parlor..

thats how the mind of a romantic works... even if its not true to life its how his heart and mind work. kevin's request is what put the final nail in the coffin.

Richie is also a romantic like Patrick :)


With you on this. I feel better now. haha :) I mean how could Andrew Haigh not be a romantic after an episode like "Looking For the Future"? Still the best half hour this series produced.


I must have missed the "romantic" part of breaking up a relationship (troubled or not) and then being shocked, SHOCKED that the guy who cheated on his lover for you, might cheat on you, too.

Oh, and lots of romance in Patrick's treatment of Richie.


lol I was waiting for the push back... I agree Patrick was totally wrong for cheating on Richie and I'll never completely forgive him for how he treated Richie.. He really doesn't deserve him but I'm hoping in the movie he will apologize, beg and fight to win Richie back.


Patrick is a flawed hero, but I still see Looking as the story of his maturation. I hope that's what it is. For instance, I don't think he had a clue what he wanted at the start of the series. Veering from compulsively checking out dating sites, even at work, to cruising in the park, to the awful date where he rejected the idea that he was someone who would go cruising at the first sign of judgement. Patrick was adjusting to what other people expected of him constantly.

I mean, the biggest adjustment of all seemed to be how he initially viewed Richie as "not his type," and only wanted him as a f-buddy. When Richie wouldn't accept that, Patrick felt bad and pursued a relationship with the guy. It's true he wasn't ready for the relationship, but he wanted to be ready. I think Patrick is a romantic, in his mind. But maybe in real life it gets more complicated for him, since real life is not all romance. He was just a bonehead that had some growing up to do, but was never malicious on purpose to Richie.

Nothing romantic to me about Kevin/Patrick meanwhile. But they have their fans. And the show seemed to want us to feel the love, or at least believe that Patrick felt it. Patrick jumped from seeming to feel trapped in his relationship with Richie to the excitement of having an affair with Kevin, only to wind up trying to force a relationship out of the guy. Patrick did want commitment after all, and he thought he wanted it with Kevin, a more "appropriate" choice than Richie. But when he got the relationship he asked for, and the blinders came off, he started to feel trapped again.

I think my point is just that Patrick is a romantic minded character but he a) didn't know himself very well at the outset and b) has found real-life harder than his fantasies, or not all its cracked up to be. Possibly he's grown up a bit now. I hope he does not once again adjust to what someone else wants/expects of him and roll with Kevin's open relationship philosophy.


agreed! and well said :)


I agree that this season has been about Patrick's maturing and figuring out what he wants. But if he won't stay with Kevin because Kevin may cheat how can he have any integrity and break up Richie and Brady?

Unless I missed something I don't think Kevin wanted an open relationship. He just wanted to be honest with Patrick that if he slips up it doesn't have to be the end. I think Kevin really loves Patrick and Patrick could force him to grow up, too. Indeed I think we saw the beginning of that when Kevin said he could choose to change. That's why I hope for Patrick and Kevin. I think they're good for each other.

That said, Team Richie seems to be much stronger and vocal than Team Kevin so I suspect it'll be Patrick and Richie although I won't like that.

That said (again), who knows what they'll come up with? I'm sure there'll be surprises and unexpected events. Plus we have a year to wait and plus HBO may not follow through with the movie.



I wouldn't be surprised if Patrick doesn't end up with either. I don't know if Haigh likes simple neat endings. His stories are complex complicated and obstacles in the way. Kevin and Patrick's relationship fit this to a tee.

I look at the future of Looking as if ML and AH had a five year plan in place for the characters that now will be scaled down into this one or two hour movie. Sure Patrick and Richie may get back together and be happy for a while. and Kevin may be no where in sight. But there was that nagging bit of info that Kevin spilled in the bar scene in 203 that sticks with me that mirrors AH movie "Weekend" and it has to do with a two year window. With the character in Looking, he was leaving for the States and would not return for two years, with Kevin his visa expires in two years.

Kevin and Patrick started off in such a messed up place and continued to forge a relationship on a path that was an uphill battle from the getgo. Hell, AH and ML committed an entire season to tell this story. Something tells me it is far from over.


As far as I have heard and can recall Haigh has said that Kevin is not "Completely out of the picture." Who knows what that means? Plus that was before the cancellation and film were announced.

The actors don't have any clue as to what will happen. (Unless I'm mistaken.) That said I recall Tovey stating exactly what I'd like to see that Patrick and Kevin survive all this and start afresh.


From what I have seen on Twitter Team Kevin are far more vocal


Really? What Twitter site is that? (I'd like to have some fellow Kevin supporters!)

Maybe it'll be Kevin and Richie? That'd be hot!


YES to all of this post!

I don't get the people still rooting for Patrick and Kevin, when Kevin has been wrong for Patrick the entire time, from the cheating get go to the questionable open relationship suggestion.

How are people saying that Kevin just doesn't want a cheating on his part to be the end? I mean, what is Patrick supposed to say to that? If he says no, it is the end, that hangs like a knife over them. And if he says okay, it won't end things, it's just a matter of time until Kevin cashes in on this promise and does cheat. He's a cheater, through and through, and that's why he has and always will be wrong for Paddy.


People can change and why should Kevin not be given the opportunity.

Patrick is also a cheater so that would also be making him the wrong person for Richie wouldn't it.


Patrick is a cheater too. At least Kevin was honest enough to say it to his face. If you slip up and we talk about it, we can work it out (sorry I love quoting the Beatles) and it doesnt have to be the end? Why is it that you only refer to Kevin as a cheater. Patrick knew from ep 103 that Kevin was in a relationship. Are we excusing one person's behavior and not the other. Like Kevin said, he was at home with Jon when Patrick called him to drive 2 hours for their *beep* in the woods. They are both cheaters.


Both Patrick and Kevin sucks.Both of them are horrible in their own way.Patrick was selfish and only cared for himself,being nonsensitive to Richie's feeling towards him.Kevin is jerk all around


Eh, is it not obvious? That Richie and Patrick are going to get back together? All the clues, all the character development is pointing to that being endgame. So cliche. But I'll still watch ofc.
