MovieChat Forums > Inside Amy Schumer (2013) Discussion > Oh for Two In the New Season

Oh for Two In the New Season

What's happened to this show? Has the entire writing staff been sacked and replaced by a committee with an all too obvious agenda? Two episodes into the new season and I'm still looking for the first laugh. Prior seasons weren't exactly Hall of fame funny, but they generally had enjoyable moments. Now the complete reason for its existence seems to be to toss out gender grenades. I'll give it a try next week, but after that . . . ?


Being preachy over funny has become the hot thing in comedy in the last couple years.


I never saw any genuine preachy stuff in this show. It's still just funny and stupid to me and I got the impression that she was making fun of preachy. This season seems that same as the last to me. I still like it.


Thought season 3 e01 was great! Wasn't a fan of e02 tho, very disappointed with it infact, overall tho its a hilarious show!


So "no wrappers, time for Plab B" isn't funny?


> So "no wrappers, time for Plab B" isn't funny?

Well, a kid saying that line is inappropriate IMO.


and that is why you fail


Fail how? Why? Just b/c you say so?!


Now the complete reason for its existence seems to be to toss out gender grenades.

I'm not even saying this to be an Internet jerk but can you give an example of what you mean by that? Because I really didn't notice it. Which lines/sketches/ideas did you think were "gender grenades"?


Wow, so wrong, this season has been shockingly good, writing, guests, production value. She's taken it up a notch in season 3.


You can actually write that after the thirty minute screed last night about how awful men are for judging a woman's worth totally based upon her appearance? Perhaps the show is now playing directly your favorite prejudices, but for those who aren't particularly interested in enduring an anti-male message in virtually every sketch, nothing in this season has been "shockingly good." Complaining about Tosh or Bill Burr doesn't obscure the fact that Shumer's agenda has finally decided to step out of the comedic shadows into the harsh light of day. She's probably expecting this to be the show's final season, anyway, with that "awesome" movie career just around the corner.


It's ok if you don't understand the show. There's still MMA fighting and stuff you can understand.


Why, thank you so much for deciding what I can and can't "understand." It's simply so much easier to live my life knowing that some self-appointed arbiter of socially acceptable thought is overseeing the mental processes of American life. It's just wonderful when there's only one allowable form of thought and conduct, isn't it? Helps while you're complaining about how awful men are, right?

By the way, MMA sucks.


What are you trying to accomplish here?

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


Why don't you tell me what I'm allowed to "accomplish"? That seems to be the goal of all of the little trolls buzzing hereabouts.


Okay, we'll pretend this makes sense. You've chosen to repeatedly post among others in a public forum to the point of tedium, yet are surprised that you've provoked a response?

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

If you'll bother to glance back a bit, you'll see that I started this topic and have only answered the silly, "poor widdle me, you bully you" responses that you and your sistahs have been sniping since then. Don't want to hear anything that doesn't conform to your "Amy, you da bomb, go, girl!" rah-rah refrains? Don't put it out there begging, 'kay?

It was a cute little rant, however.


I'm not judging all American life, just one American lowlife. And I'm only basing it on your words, your thoughts, and your actions.


And what might those "words, thoughts, and actions" be, pray tell? How many folks have I killed? How many times have I perjured myself in court to bring false charges against a neighbor? How many orphanages have I put to the torch? I'll wait while you arrive at the tally.

Or could it be that simply expressing an opinion somewhat in contrast to your own male-hating, sister-empowering, selfish little certainty makes me an "American lowlife"? Is that the answer? My, my, and here's me thinking that living in a nation dedicated to free speech -- and by that free thought -- would allow a person never before accused of engaging in "lowlife" activities to espouse an ideological position somewhat at variance with the apparently required, "You go, Sistah Amy!" mantra (sorry about that word having "man" in its composition -- I didn't coin it). Guess I was dead wrong, huh?

But what can you expect from an "American lowlife"?


Guess I was dead wrong, huh?

No, just an angry malcontent who continues to bait strangers into pointless argument. Good luck with that.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


Wow, I had no idea that those were the rules now: you and your "gals" can say anything at all -- including calling other folks "malcontents" and "American lowlifes" --, but no one can answer in any way that even remotely disagrees with your preconceptions! Hmmm, so that's the game.

Well, it does cut down on the time and effort of actually thinking for you widdle sweeties, not being forced to consider an opinion that doesn't correlate perfectly with your own and all.


The first episode of season 3 was HILARIOUS. Ain't it good to be the coach? Come talk about your pussy over here! ETC ETC ETC
