MovieChat Forums > Valentine Road (2013) Discussion > Well at least Brandon blamed no one but ...

Well at least Brandon blamed no one but himself...

...because apparently no one else did! What the hell! I can understand his brother and mom sticking up for him, and his weird girlfriend. And having such a rough upbringing himself helps explain why he chose to act how he did.

But the jurors, even going so far to wear the bracelets and all. I just don't... I know being in the actual courtroom is different than how the media sways things. But like that blonde lawyer just seemed they were totally blaming the victim for being murdered. Wtf.

Okay, maybe Larry should have better stuck to his IEP, "not drawing attention to himself" or doing disruptive behaviors etc. Because IEPs are designed to help behaviorally challenged kids function in society and succeed etc. Okay. But uh, it stops there. Why oh why does that make it okay to murder him? Suddenly he's a sexually harassing bully? whaaaaaaaaat.

I guess it's just that bigotry within themselves, this kind of "well can't blame Brandon for being mad, since Larry was being flamboyant so he was asking for it" kind of attitude. Awful. It's like rape victims being blamed for rape.

Was so weird. They all seemed to be missing the fact that he premeditated murdered a peer. No, poor poor Brandon won't get to skip class or go to prom. But uh, neither will Larry. Oh, why's that again? Oh yeah, b/c Brandon chose to murder him.

I mean what if...let's just say...a really ugly girl went up to Brandon and asked him out. Embarrassing him in front of his friends. Would it be fine for him to go in the next day and shoot her in the head?
