MovieChat Forums > Valentine Road (2013) Discussion > save brandon bracelets???

save brandon bracelets???

this is the worst documentary ever. why did they make this?
they tell the story of how larry got murdered by a hateful boy in his class, they were 13,14, NOT babies. they all know it was premeditated murder but most of the people on this documentary are on the side of the murder? what kind if BS is this???
it's infuriating.

who cares if he had no prior record. i'd say the thing that made it to his record is serious enough.

this makes me sick.

it's clear what kind of town they live in anyway. clearly racially divided. and clearly not evolved when it comes to sexuality.

how could people worry about brandon when he still has his life after taking someone else's?


I was thinking of so many alternate scenarios that would make major headlines: what if Brandon was a drunk-driver with an alcohol addiction who accidentally ran over Larry? Would the idiots circling Brandon's bandwagon still feel the same way and justify his actions or would MADD step in and annihilate them all?


The kid bullied people in school, called people racist terms, etc,etc. He was a low life moron. The family lied by saying he was an angel. He also gets in fights in juvenile time and time again. He belongs in jail for a long time.


they were 13,14, NOT babies

Should they be allowed to vote or get a driver's license? How about buy alcohol?


Should apples be used to make orange juice?

Watch Me Win


Deflection, the predictable strategy of someone who can't form a logical argument.


Do you know where I can get one of those bracelets?


It was very frustrating. The jurors made me ill. Larry is DEAD! That child is dead. They thought it was okay for Brandon to KILL Larry because Larry asked him to be his valentine? !?!?! Sick!
