MovieChat Forums > Valentine Road (2013) Discussion > Brandon should've got life

Brandon should've got life

Hope he gets more time added on for bad behavior over the years and comes out old and a mess. Poor Brandon? For what? He's a bad seed who should be out of society.

Man, and that mother is trash. Threw away her life on crap boyfriends and drugs because she's dumb as a rock.


This kid Brandon was shown to be absolute scum.

Calling people racist terms, bullying, etc. Then fight after fight in Juvenile. He's just a bad person. I'm glad that girl hit him back for calling her racist terms. Hope he's in jail for a long long time. The way he keeps acting up, he'll get more jail time added on over the years.


The fights were before he was sentenced and there were only 3. Boys that age fight, it's a fact of life. You're either a b_tch, or you get into fights once in a while, no big deal. The later footage made it seem like he's doing better now, finishing school and behaving himself. Isn't that a good thing? Shouldn't rehabilitation be the goal?


Shouldn't rehabilitation be the goal?

The goal of the system perhaps. Hedgehooper30 is not the system. Hedgehopper30 is a sovereign individual who is of the opinion that Brandon cannot be rehabilitated. Hedgehopper30 believes Brandon will sabotage his own rehabilitation.
It's all there in hedgehopper30's post. Can you read?

Watch Me Win



Beinge right is a strange thing these days. So many are lacking a basic aptitude and intelligence now, it is sadly what would be considered normal. Strange is the individual capable of critical and independent thought.

I am very strange.




Why? What does a typo have to do with intelligence? A keystroke error is indicative of intelligence? How does that work?

I get you wanting to do the douchebag thing, but try to be a little better at it. All it requires is thinking it through first. Just an idea.

Now, eat a d!ck up and hiccup b!tch boy. Does that makes sense?
Doesn't really matter if you say it does or doesn't- you read it.




Weirder still is posting on a thread to remark about me as opposed to the topic of the thread.

It is why you and your ilk Watch Me Win



Should i tell you the next board i will be on or is part of your fun checking my post history and following me there?

Please dont disrespect the very concept of intelligence by speaking like you possess any. Youre b!tch made who cant get through your own day without brooding over me. Its what brought you here in the first place.

72 Dolphins



As for checking your post history and following you to boards. Arrogant much?

Observant. Unless we are to believe that you happened to stumble onto this documentary's board, with nothing to add about it but rather just to post about me, AFTER spending time on another board where I've been handing you and your ilk their hats?
It was clear you were a coward, but you're a liar too? Pretty cool.

Watch Me Win



I've seen you posting weird stuff on the Terminator boards, and I've heard you mentioned on the Prometheus boards.

What a coincidence. I'm flattered but I am not interested and must reject these overtures you are making towards me.

Watch Me Win



over·ture noun \ˈō-və(r)-ˌchu̇r, -chər, -ˌtyu̇r, -ˌtu̇r\

something that is offered or suggested with the hope that it will start a relationship, lead to an agreement, etc.

win verb \ˈwin\

: to achieve victory in a fight, contest, game, etc.

The contest here being the one of wits you obviously are not prepared for.

I look forward to more of your continued douchebaggery.

Need the definition of that too? See your post history.




Stranger still is the belief that the sophomoric tactic of suggesting it alters the reality of your loss.
Is it desperation time? You can still salvage a little dignity, no?

Watch Me Win



While I see how they'd put a spin on it in order to gain sympathy for Brandon, the kid murdered someone. It was premeditated and it was also super dangerous for him to even bring a gun to school in the first place like that. For him to do the things he did prior to killing Larry would be enough in my book to find him guilty. Hate crime or not, he murdered someone in school, endangered the lives of other students, and needs to serve his time in jail.

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.



For me, I don't think this killing is justified in any sense. Using the things that I've read and watched prior to seeing this movie, it seemed like Brandon felt very disrespected by Larry and was sick of his antics. I don't think that's good enough inside or outside the courtroom. He basically killed him because he felt humiliated and disgusted in some way. I don't see it being good enough. While I do feel bad that Brandon never really was in trouble prior to this incident, he took another life,which could easily be proven,and a major life decision like that must have taken some careful planning and contemplation.

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.
