Greatest animated film ever.

Maybe I'm on my own with this one, but I've watched it several times and each time it's absolutely glorious to behold. Utterly beautiful and utterly devastating, perhaps one of the most beautiful films I've ever witnessed; every frame could be a brilliant work of art hanging on a wall. I just love the animation style, unique even by Studio Ghibli standards, but it's not just that..

There's a very intelligent, profound subtext running throughout it with regards to how gender and female sexuality are viewed in traditional Japanese culture, as well as a thorough examination of the ridiculous class system that prevails, which unfortunately is still relevant in our modern world.

But the film truly resonates with me because of the loneliness and alienation Kaguya feels, the sense of wanting to belong to a family, or to nature, yet humanity gets in the way of that. Kaguya is a pure spirit who experienced the sheer joy and sheer misery of the world, before having it all snatched away from her. I become an emotional wreck every time I watch it.

I just hope as the years and decades roll by, some people will remember this unbelievable film. I don't want a precious piece of art like this to ever be forgotten. God bless you, Isao Takahata.


Visually, this is a masterpiece. Very few movies are so gorgeous to look at.

Storywise, I actually enjoyed this more the second time I watched it. I think because I was expecting the traditional Studio Ghibli whimsical story.

However, this was a bit more than that. I found myself really feeling sad for the Princess. Thrust into a life she didn't want. When she goes back into the mountains, it's such a profound moment to see she would've been so much happier with her simple life.

You are sin.


Looks good, but everything else was a borefest. So damn long and...empty. Grave of the Fireflies is a million times better.


Empty? I don't see how. There's joy, sorrow, comedy, and tenderness.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


You rated this film a 1? Seriously? And judging by your rating distribution, you rate nearly every film you see a 1. What the hell is your problem?

The animation in this film alone brings it up to AT LEAST a 3. And that's if everything else in the film was complete trash, which it wasn't.
