Is it me? (Spoilers)

... Or does it make a lot sense to see The Princess as an angel who fell to earth for the effrontery of thinking she could find somewhere better than paradise/heaven? And being an angel and therefore perfect, she could not ultimately synchronize with life on earth and the imperfections of humanity and therefore was restored to heaven. There are a lot of elements to this story that remind me of Jesus in Christianity as well.


Uh... It's a Japanese folktale that predates the introduction of Christianity to Japan by centuries. So it's just you.


Uh... The concept of supernatural humanoid beings is not limited to Christianity.


Wow. Thanks for the snide reply. I hope it made you feel better showing how smart and wise you are. I was speaking in a general sense btw. I hope you realize you could've said what you said in a way that wasn't so condescending. Have a nice day :-)


I don't think that Kytescall is being snide, just accurate. Christian myth is completely irrelevant to this story, whatever your personal belief system may lead you to read into it. Yes, it's just you.


Well, I am sorry that the two of you don't see the similarities that I do. But thank you for you dissenting opinions. :)


There may very well be similarities to Christianity, but it's most likely a coincidence. I'm guessing you can find similar stories in lots of different cultures.
