MovieChat Forums > Silicon Valley (2014) Discussion > Is Richard ever going to get with Monica...

Is Richard ever going to get with Monica?

I hope so.


sadly I cannae see it happening - she seems to have a lot of patience but a woman can only wait so long


I hope not.

It's impossible, but I will do it--The Walk.


Dinesh will endup with Monica. They fit each other. Or Jared.


i hope so. every time they have a scene together i'm expecting it to go there, and then it doesn't.

but i think they match very well and would be good together. i think there's a sweet chemistry there.


Well you know what they say about Jared.


Even though he is a potential billionaire, she is simply too hot for him.
What annoys me about the show is the fact that a super-hot girl in her late twenties like Monica would not be single and a guy like Richard would be dating more than he is just off the strength of his celebrity. But I don't think they would ever be together. If anything, Monica would be with the "three comma's" guy. It's sad that the world works that way, but it's how it is.


I've known super hot girls that are single. I know this is shocking, but not every girl wants a man.

It's impossible, but I will do it--The Walk.


A lot of women believe that Sex in the City is how life works, and some hot ones wait until they are 40 to settle down, only to find that the great guys are already married or are betting their odds on a 30 yo breeder with at least 10 years of fertility in her. Unlike food shopping, guys do pay attention to shelf life when looking to start a family.

"Marry Him: the Case for Settling for Mr Good Enough" goes into this in detail. I know a lot of professional women who put career ahead of family and ended up spinsters. My son is the only child in a group of professional women that my ex hangs around with that is natural born, the rest are Chinese imports, so to speak.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


My answer to the OP is yes, in my opinion. They are just taking their time, since this show is "obviously" not centered on romance. Neither of them are bed-jumpers, so it's conceivable that they may wait a while longer yet. Don't this point, they really aren't even "cozy" with each other. They are usually arguing, or accusing each other of something. LONG way to go, from that. The fact that they are doing it in seasons only ten eps long, with a half-hour run-time per ep, is also what's taking so long.

"Hey, shut up in there, I'm trying to type....." OT: Do the voices in my head bother you?


I'm a guy but I read that book. The New York Post film critic (who is also an author) had a piece on it and I thought I'd read it. I think he went to school with her and also being a film critic, her talk about the movie "Broadcast News" and how when she was in college at the time of the movie's release, she and others called it sexist and so on and now 20+ years later, she realizes it was right.

And then after reading the book, I saw the movie. It's a cutting scene. I don't know if you've seen the movie so I won't spoil it, but if you read the book, you know what it is.

Monica, though, doesn't seem the type. Of course, there's nothing really romantic in the show, so who is to say what her type is.


That book is BS. BOth men and women are waiting until later in life to get married. Women do not have a harder time finding men as they get older because the fact is, neither men or women are getting married as much as they used to, and neither are getting married young much anymore.

There are now more single adults in America than married people. This is true of both men and women.

It's impossible, but I will do it--The Walk.


"Marry Him" was my eye opener to what was happening on Women were either shopping for unicorns or retirement plans. I did a search using one of her assertions, by selecting 40 yo women who were between 5-3" and 5-5", and without tallying the actual numbers, 5-10" was their cutoff for men with maybe 10% falling below it and many wanting 6' and taller as a minimum, which statistically means that they were eliminating 80% of the available dating pool right off the bat. I also think her assertion that women, who can't find a suitable relationship at 50 because their standards are out of line with what they are bringing to the table, will make an even greater strategic error of raising their standards when they hit 60, not realizing their unwillingness to settle is what got them there in the first place. As a statistical analysis of strategies which work or fail, I'd say the book is way more right than wrong.

Yes, there is a trend for people to marry later or not at all, but there are also limits which are still hard and fast. The number of kids desired vs distance from age 40 is a major concern. My son was conceived when Dr Princess was 41, but it was touch and go with multiple miscarriages and we were initiating in-vitro when it finally took naturally, but as I mentioned, my son is the only natural born in that circle of professional women. I call him the 20K kid because that is what we didn't have to drop on in-vitro, well, what our provider didn't have to drop.

We are really still in the midst of a complete sociological re-setting, at least among the more monied classes. Between WW-II and women entering the workforce and deciding not to leave, the pill, and fertility enhancements, the whole concept of how, when, and where to have a family is openly debatable. Technology has outpaced sociology just as it has in so many other areas. But in the case of fertility, just because something is possible does not mean it is cheap, easy, or recommended. The same is true for guys and kids. ;-) Chicken pox at 46 was way more unpleasant that my friends who experienced it at 35. Neither is tossing a fastball at near 60 even though I am in exceptional shape for my age. Rotator cuffs don't improve with age.

Man Seeking Woman s01e09, Teacup, I believe was a good episode that focused on his career oriented sister's problems finding a mate.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


The three comma guy is slaying all the pu$$y. Basically a tech Dan Bilzerian. He wouldn't settle for an assistant(?) cute girl next door from Silicon Valley. If he was to settle, it would be a super model, a playmate or something like that. Richard on the other hand, although a bit socially awkward, is a well intentioned genius and a potential gold mine, and you can see that Monica admires him.


Even though he is a potential billionaire, she is simply too hot for him.
What annoys me about the show is the fact that a super-hot girl in her late twenties like Monica would not be single and a guy like Richard would be dating more than he is just off the strength of his celebrity. But I don't think they would ever be together. If anything, Monica would be with the "three comma's" guy. It's sad that the world works that way, but it's how it is.

She's not THAT hot. She has the same long, hook nose as Richard. They're a perfect match.

This is what a proper signature looks like.


Dat azz


I really hope not.




He needs to get with the older chick. Monica's boss.

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