MovieChat Forums > Silicon Valley (2014) Discussion > How can anyone stand being around Ehrlic...

How can anyone stand being around Ehrlich?

He has to be the most annoying, most insulting, most pompous, most deluded character ever written.


Well that's exactly it BUT at the same time he continually finds a way to make himself useful whenever backed into a corner


He is annoying but he always has Richard's back. He's really loyal to him.


It's impossible, but I will do it--The Walk.


The character is a classic "overcompensating egomaniac with an inferiority complex." To me the show works well because the characters are consistently true to form, unlike say MASH, where Hawkeye would morph into whatever character was needed for that week's "social justice" message. But in SV we are three years in and the characters are still mostly the same, which is true in life where people don't change easily or quickly, or without a hefty dose of pain as a motivator. With Ehrlich, we almost got an opportunity to see him become a human being when he was at the point of losing nearly everything with the sale of his PP stock. But as the co-head now of a potentially huge SV company I expect his behavior to rebound quickly and get even worse. I predict that his adventures in s04 will make the Alcatraz party look like cocktail hour. And of course the arrogance will once again land him in some sort of unnecessary jackpot.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


He is kind of funny though, even when engaging in his own egomania. I could hang with him for short periods of time, and not be too annoyed. I said short periods of time. 'Nuff said.

"Hey, shut up in there, I'm trying to type....." OT: Do the voices in my head bother you?


I feel the same about Mark Maron. About 15 minutes is enough to get the wit and wisdom before a fatal does or morosity sets in. Maron's 4th season is comic genius including what I believe is the funniest line spoken this year

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


it doesn't show them as being too friendly with him. when they do hang out together its usually after some dillema they've solved or we see the danesh-gilfoyle and jared-richard relationship and i guess the only person for ehrlich in the show is jenyang (was hilarious seeing him eat the popcorn-opolis in the s3 finale) but in general people seem to know he's way too animated and obnoxious but that is exactly where he fits into the bunch cause the rest lack those "street" smarts


He has to be the most annoying, most insulting, most pompous, most deluded character ever written.

I think that would be Kenny Powers. And I love Kenny Powers.


I find Erlich to be hilarious. T.J. Miller has to be my favorite comedic actor. He is hilarious.


He has to be the most annoying, most insulting, most pompous, most deluded character ever written.

Ain't it great?


No he's not the most annoying. Almost though. At least, he has some usefulness, and some talent.
George Costanza, off the old Seinfeld series, is the most annoying in my opinion. Funny sometimes, but if you were to know a guy like that in real life, you would probably push him off a bridge.

"Hey, shut up in there, I'm trying to type....." OT: Do the voices in my head bother you?


All characters in Seinfeld are shítty people

