MovieChat Forums > Silicon Valley (2014) Discussion > Plots/subplots are dropped?

Plots/subplots are dropped?

Am I alone in thinking that it seems that they shift focus a lot in the show?

Obviously, the passing of Peter Gregory's actor can't be helped, but everything else can. And I get the impression that the story arcs are very haphazardly put together.



You're are not alone . This is something that bothered me as well . It's very noticable on marathon viewing . One main sub plot was obviously going to be a love story , that they quickly got away from in season 2 .


I don't think there was ever going to be a love story. You mean that brief time Monica and Richard acknowledged their attraction and seemed about to date? That was just to show what might have been if they weren't wrapped up in their insanely busy work lives.


If they're ever brought together it should be because Monica needs a date to her sister's or college roommate's wedding or one/both of them need a date to an important banquet or something business related. Due to her busy life she doesn't really know any guy she'd want to take and also doesn't want to lead any of them on, while Richard isn't the type to ask a woman he knows to be his date for an event. Neither Monica nor Richard, or just Richard, is sure whether or not it's a "date date". Awkwardness ensues. Slowing dancing, seated at a table with couples, somebody gives a toast about the importance of relationships & somebody to depend one (this could be about romance or business), etc. Set this all against the backdrop of their line of work and have a very solid B story in the episode so "will they or won't they" isn't necessarily the focus and their story could be a one-off thing.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Set this all against the backdrop of their line of work and have a very solid B story in the episode so "will they or won't they" isn't necessarily the focus and their story could be a one-off thing.

I get the feeling that Richard and Monica's attraction is always on the back burner, but it's secondary to their careers. I guess that's how this generation works, especially the successful ones who are on the cusp of changing the world with their work. Put all their energy into investing in careers and put off marriage and kids and even dating. Just have hookups for sex. But never hook up with a coworker or business partner.

When the show ends, whether their careers are big successes or not, I could see Monica and Richard picking up where they left off with each other. Maybe, if they can sustain their interest. But not as a regular subplot on the show.
