MovieChat Forums > The Duke of Burgundy (2015) Discussion > Why the mannequins in the lectures?

Why the mannequins in the lectures?

I cannot for the life of me explain why there were mannequins in the lectures...any thoughts?

Maybe just to let the viewer know that this is all a facade and an unreal world?


Just watched the movie and can't find an explanation myself. It really made everything more moody, though. Would love to have insight from anyone who's knowledgeable on it, or the director himself.


I think there was a comparison between the insects and the scientist and the dominator and the submissive in the relationship....the insects representing the submissive. Ultimately, the message of the film is that that line is blurry and the relationship itself is what both submissive and dominant must submit to in a sense....that the submissive isnt really being dominated the way it seems superficially (and in many cases nay ultimately be in control) The way the audience was portrayed in the lectures supports this...they were almost insect like in their lack idiosyncrosy. They all looked, dressed, and spoke the same. There was a shot that harkened to the way the insects were perfectly lined up in their display cases of the audience. In a sense, this blurred the line between object of study and those being studied (insects)....the mannequin was the obvious hint in this direction that leads to this line of thinking. Even those who seem totally in control and scientific are not in control....and are perhaps as subject to the whims of their environs as insects (or mannequins as an extrme example) are.



Just watched the film and didn't even notice.


Would like to hear the Director's reasoning, as well.

When I first saw them in camera I almost thought it was a mistake, because there really didn't seem to be any significant symbolism they offer.

When logic and science aren't on your side, you always lose.
