Why only women?

Not a single man is in this movie. Is the director trying to tell us something by this?


That you don't have to have men in every film?


As the whole film feels otherworldly, I made the assumption that there are no men in the world this film exists in. Furthermore, the power struggle that exists at the core of Evelyn and Cynthia's relationship seems to cut through the typical assumptions of a male-female relationship (where the male would be the presumed dominant sexual force), making it more mysterious - and intriguing - as a result.


By eliminating men from the equation, the film can eliminate any "gender-noise"...if it was about a man-woman relationship, then viewers would be too wrapped up in their own gender biases to see that the film is aiming to dig deeper ....to the universal nature of any relationship. A man dominating a woman like this would be too historically contextualized within our current era for viewers to universalize what they are watching. No one would sympathize with the man. On the other hand, I did have the thought while watching the film, what if women had the choice of living in a female-only world? How many of them would prefer that?? I would guess a lot....with artificial insemination, and stem cells maybe it will happen. I wonder what a female only world would be like....


Considering I'm a gay male, and only female world would be a nightmare lol. I've fantasized about male only. but I enjoy the company of woman too much too enjoy that too much either, I think everyone gay or straight needs some kind of relationship with the opposite sex.


Why not?
