Reminds me of...

Just saw this and it reminded me of another suspense/horror movie I saw a few weeks ago.


The movie was "Visions" with Isla Fisher and it had the same twist of the character having premonitions/precognitive visions of events that haven't happened yet. When I saw it, I remember thinking that it was a different kind of a ghost story, a refreshing kind of a plot twist. And watching "Blackwood" today, I was surprised to see it follow the same direction.

Now, I enjoyed both movies, but I really loved "Blackwood" more. It had nice scenery, creepy atmosphere and mood, plus the mansion was beautiful and spooky!


Yeah I think Visions took way too long to get going. Once you saw the twist it was a decent 'OK I'm sold on this now' moment but there was an entire hour of quite dull horror-cliché before that which wasn't particularly interesting or foreboding.

Blackwood did a much better job of masking its plot twist and integrating it into the story out of leftfield compared to Visions. I think it was honestly better acted and written too.

Sure, Ben weirdly donning the coat and knife and becoming the killer after presuming an affair was occurring and his son had been attacked was a bit of a stretch, but at least they showed his motivations and that coupled with his mental instability from earlier on in the film justified it.

I enjoyed this one.
