MovieChat Forums > Starred Up (2014) Discussion > I could not understand anything they sai...

I could not understand anything they said in this

They all talk like they got food in their mouths.

Could not understand this film at all.


Job application: "Do you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender?"


I'm not sure if your a troll or just a moron. This is an European movie and they have an accent. Obviously you speak English so if you couldn't understand them then your a truly an imbecile and should stick to American made movies and leave the European movies to others more intelligent then yourself. I'm American and had no trouble understanding any part of this movie. Now to make this post somewhat relevant: this was a very well made movie with great acting and writing. The only issue I have is that it seems to have been cut short there were definitely some story lines they could of elaborated on but I bet it wasn't the writers fault but more likely the producers budget.


Im sorry but im American too and had trouble understanding what waz said, not because im an imbecible, but because the accent was very thick and hard to understand. I had the volume up pretty loud too and had to continuously replay scenes and still couldnt catch the words. Too bad subtitles werent available on my copy.


Me too! Scottish accents are a real challenge for me, and this DVD doesn't have subtitles or closed captioning. It's frustrating. I don't think the OP is necessarily an imbecile for finding this challenge a showstopper.


Lol, I didn't hear a single Scots accent in it; it was mostly estuary and East End London - very rough and with lots of slang, admittedly.

We all go a little mad sometimes.


Hahaha, yes that guy is an idiot. But I have to admit, I had a little trouble understanding what they were saying, too. But that's my problem, not a problem with the film. I love the thick British accents. They sound awesome, especially the cockney accent. I just need to watch this when I can have the volume up loud (had my 2 month old son sleeping on me). This was a fantastic movie. Great drama, very tense and realistic. Great acting as well.


Well I understood everything perfectly so....unlucky for you then I guess.


Please discuss what this had for a plot because all I saw was a rip off to Bronson.

Job application: "Do you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender?"


Its nothing like Bronson. Apart from it being set in a prison.
What would be the use of explaining the plot to you? It wouldn't change the fact that you cant enjoy the film by watching it.
Your best bet would be to wait for Bluray/DvD release, and use subtitles.


Well... I'm from Chile (we speak spanish) and understand like 90%
So clearly, you have a problem.


Or the OP saw the copy thats currently doing the rounds online which has some pretty muffled dialogue running throughout especially when the father was talking.


Yeah, this is nothing like Bronson. I too would also recommend using subtitles. Seems ridiculous to me to rate a film down because you consider the accents indecipherable. If there was a technical issue with the sound, sure, but a problem with accents?


I downloaded subtitles for this lol. My audio is fine ... it's just how they talked. I understood about 75% of what they said without subtitles. About 1/3 into the movie couldn't take it is when I decided to find subtitles.

-What's more dangerous than sincere ignorance? (MLK)-


Lucly you, i couldnt find subtitles on my copy


I couldn't pick up some of the words so I just turned on closed captioning.




"Ghetto-speak"? You are aware that virtually ALL cultures have their own street slang, not just black Americans? And British English IS different from American English in some ways---guess you weren't aware of that, either. Nothing mumbling about it---it simply wasn't made for American audiences. I couldn't understand some of what was said either, and the DVD of it I watched had no subs (which sucked.) I still liked it, anyway.


jokeritt the accents were really thick and I understood very little of what was said. I did make it to the end of the movie though and while I understood what the story was about I feel guaranteed 100% I missed quite a bit by not understanding certain things said. Hopefully the next time I see it I will have subtitles available to me.

