MovieChat Forums > The Frame (2014) Discussion > How many filmmakers consistently make al...

How many filmmakers consistently make all their own music 4 their movies

Not many right?


I'm sure many independent directors are forced to, simply from a lack of budget/funds. But I think what you mean to say is, of the very very few filmmakers who do consistently compose all their own music for their movies, how many are actually any good? lol. Personally, I've never heard any movie soundtrack, entirely conceived, made, and performed by a director that is worth listening more than 2 minutes. Except Jamin Winans. He's the lone exception to that rule for me.

I mean typically when you hear that the director "also did the music", you know it sucks. Because you know it was just an afterthought in the post=production process. But when you listen to a Jamin Winans soundtrack, it's inexplicably just as good if not better had the likes of Zimmer or Mansell done it. In fact i guarantee if anyone goes back and listens to all the top movie soundtracks from 2009, I can almost guarantee you that you'll conclude that the INK film soundtrack was THE best of that year. Not pretty good, but THE very best in tone, mood, and sound.
And that kind of thing is not only rare for a director, it's damn near impossible, entirely unheard of in our modern film age, where the director and composer are 2 separate entities.

So back to your original question, "How many filmmakers consistently make all their own music for their movies?" None that i know of that are worth your money or your time. With the sole exception of Winans, who not only makes all his own music for his own movies, but has a track record of making the best soundtrack of the year when doing so.


Agree 1000% BC. I remember watching Ink, and then being like, I gotta find who did the score to this, only to find out it was the director himself. Never seen that before.

He's doing his own music again for the frame right?


As far as I know he IS doing the music for The Frame. A few soundbites have been leaked thus far on his facebook page, so I would assume as much.

And I would also have to think that Mr Winans is using the same method that he did for Ink. Ie, writing the music WHILE the movie is being filmed, and during the editing process in post-production. In other words, not just writing music to get a 'good tune', but writing the appropriate music for the feel and tone of each scene/scenes themselves.

It will certainly be interesting in a few more weeks/months to actually hear the sound-direction chosen for The Frame. I'm not sure what Jamin Winans musical background is, but it'll be curious whether we see clear traces of the INK-sound in there, or something entirely different.
Hans Zimmer for example seems to have a staple sound that only changes slightly from movie to movie, whereas then you have guys like Clint Mansell who appear to alter their sound completely for every film.

For me personally, the music of a film can sometimes be just as important as the story, the script, the filming, or the acting.


Counter-argument: Shane Carruth (


Wow, good call, didn't even think about Shane, but yes he is a pure genius and worthy of his due in a thread like this. Right up there alongside Jamin IMO. It's people like these 2-guys who should be pretty much running hollywood by this point.


as a composer myself, I am in AWE with his notch in fact..


I actually think that Shane Carruth's soundtrack for Upstream Color is one of the best I've ever heard. He says that he wrote it and the screenplay simultaneously. I'd love to know whether Winans did the same thing.

I think Carruth is in a class by himself as a film talent; he's the Pedro Martinez of the field. Winans is merely gifted; when you include his composing ability, he may have just put himself into the top 10.

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.


Off the top of my head - John Carpenter has always done his own music (he was a music major at USC before switching to film way back when). Tom Tykwer also scores his own films.


unfortunately, the score was one of the biggest letdowns about the frame to me, as winan was bascially ripping-off his own score for ink.
the theme is beautiful, no question, but it also becomes borderline kitsch, as extensively as it was used in the movie.


Alejandro AmenĂ¡bar

Clint Eastwood

There must be more! :)


shane carruth made his own music for upstream color and (i think) primer
