MovieChat Forums > Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) Discussion > It is expected to have similar box offic...

It is expected to have similar box office run with "Narnia 3".

"Narnia 3" was another fantasy sequel to "flop". It opened at $24 million (while Alice at $26 million on the 3-day weekend) and grossed $104 million domesticly. Alice is $10 million faster at the box office than Narnia, without that meaning Alice will manage to make $10 million more ($114 million).
Narnia 3 was in theaters for 126 days / 18 weeks, same to the first Alice. Alice 2 is probably going to follow the same path.
At the end, Alice is going for $90-100 million domesticly, which is underperforming, but not too bad. Narnia 3 & Alice will have similar run internationally too. Narnia 3 get to make over $300 million internationally and ended with $415 million worldwide. Alice 2 is expected to do even better, probably around $350 million. Which will lead to a $450 million worldwide gross (if it is lucky enough, $500 million).
Considering the film costed $320 million (production + marketing), the film will make some profit, and Disney won't loose much money.
Damn Disney! You always make money! Even with flops!


If the total budget is $320 million they won't make any money with a $500 million worldwide box office. They would need $640 million in total income from box office, home video and TV rights to break even. $500 million WW would net them less than $250 total box office considering China's 75% take.

I also highly doubt this film will make as much as Narnia 3. Narnia 3 opened in December where films tend to have longer legs and get additional boost from the Christmas and New Years holidays. This film is opening in the summer where films need to open big because every week brings another big film to take up theater screens and box office.

We will see after this weekend when Alice will have opened in every major market except for Japan and South Korea. It had better be approaching $200 million overseas if it expects to get anywhere near $350 to 400 million overseas.


Well, it's a good film and it's at $110 million total as of June 3...I suspect word of mouth instead of critic reviews will propel this movie. I absolutely loved it. It was beautiful to look at and the themes were solid...forgiveness and you can't change the past but you can learn from it among others etc, no plot fact it explained a lot of the back story from the first one so I think after one week at $110 million, this movie will have a solid following. It also wrapped things up beautifully from the first...

Perhaps the critics found it too times of Marvel mania...which could also explain why American audiences preferred dumbed down X men entertainment and the overseas crowd are supporting this movie...


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussion🌈


If the total budget is $320 million they

You're the films accountant are you? know this for a fact?


I said if. Learn to read. The production budget is easily available to anyone. It's $170 million which has been reported by Box Office Mojo and multiple other news sites.

The only question is how much was spent on advertising. There is no data available but most films of this size spend between $100 to $150 million advertising it.


Doubt they spend that much on a new bus stop posters and a 10 second radio trailer.

By the time the film is finished, dvds sold, license made to tv and online streaming services and merchandise sold poor Disney aren't going to be out of pocket.


Doubt they spend that much on a new bus stop posters and a 10 second radio trailer.

Right that's all the advertising done for this movie. 😖

By the time the film is finished, dvds sold, license made to tv and online streaming services and merchandise sold poor Disney aren't going to be out of pocket.

Now you sound like those weirdo John Carter fans who were convinced despite its gigantic lost at the box office that the film would magically make up the loss with with home video sales and TV rights.

Who's going to buy the blu-ray/dvds and merchandise of a film no one watched. The money paid for the TV license and online streaming services are directly related to how much a film makes at the theaters. This film is a bomb domestically and won't even make $80 million at the rate its going no ones paying a lot for its TV and streaming rights.


No i'm just pointing out it's only been out two weeks, finial numbers are more important than first week numbers.

Many people don't go to the cinema, i'm one of them.


I honestly think it will reach 500 million worldwide with max of 600 million. I am probably wrong . But I think that Japan and South Korea will give a good boost to box office. It isn't a bad movie, good for kids and adults can have a few laughs so it has a chance. A slim one but still a chance.


The film is going to make a lot of money in China, Japan & South Korea. I hope it will do pretty well in UK too. But in other countries & USA it won't do that well. $400-450 million seems the best chance for this film.
Also, the film is expected to have a 70% drop from the first in USA, making $100 million. If the film has 70% drop worldwide, it will make around $310 million. But I believe it will do better overseas, surpassing $400 million in the worldwide box office.


Only $176 million after two weekends worldwide. God awful performance and another gigantic bomb for Depp. Can't believe I thought this movie would out perform X-Men overseas based on how much the first Alice made overseas.

Just like the US I guess no one really liked the first film in the overseas markets either.

At least Zootopia joined Civil War as billion dollar movies for Disney and Jungle Book still has an outside chance. Some good news for Disney. Meanwhile Depp's days as a box office star are pretty much dead.


Meanwhile Depp's days as a box office star are pretty much dead.

Pretty much. His last hope is PoC5 next year. We'll see how that goes.
After this weekend I think Alice will have a 70% drop worldwide - the drop it was expecting to have in USA. Domesticly it will hardly bring around $80 million. Worldwide I can see it making $300-350 million. China, Japan & South Korea can only save this film.
But I'm glad everything else goes pretty well at Disney. Finding Dory is predicted to have the biggest opening weekend for an animated film, and to surpass last year's Minions at the worldwide box office. I'm looking forward to see that.
I think The BFG will do well as a Spielberg movie, but I hope it didn't cost over $100 million. Pete's Dragon should also go well with a limited budget. Doctor Strange & Moana are a lot anticipated and Rogue One, even with the reshoots, has many chances to be the highest grossing film of the year. Even with one big flop, Disney seems fine.
