Well Deserved Flop

The first one was sooooooo trash that I walked out not even half way through. From 116 million opening weekend to 26 million for the sequel? Apparently I'm not the only one who walked out. Doesn't help that the 2nd one looks like even worse garbage than the first. A well deserved flop. I'm glad you people didn't get finessed out of your money for this corn water puke pile.



What do you mean lose their jobs? This isn't a tv show. This is a movie. As soon as production ended they were out of a job whether it flopped or not.



Please enough with this bleeding heart nonsense. No film deserves to flop, seriously? If that were true then there would be no incentive for anyone to actually make a good movie since you can just film your balls swinging for 2 hours and it would make millions apparently. Failure is necessary, in any enterprise not just films. Though sadly in this world good movies do still fail while bad movies make billions. But those examples are at least relatively few and crap goes largely unrewarded.

And as DroidX already said, everyone involved with this tripe already got their paychecks, whether it fails or not. Save your foolish sympathy for an indie studio, not effing DISNEY for god's sake.



Yup, it was garbage.

Trying to create a funny, engaging YouTube channel. If you guys check it out, hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here- https://youtu.be/0TUmGxkfZ0M


Looks like your YouTube channel was garbage and flopped too. Well deserved apparently.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Naa, that had nothing to do with me or my performance. I'm back again and slowly building.


Did you even watch it?


Did you actually watch the movie? It was good.


it diddnt flop it underperformed but yes it sucked


It didn't flop... With a 170 million budget it made 299 million ... yes it underperformed, but it did not flop.

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