Great Twist

I had an oh my god moment when it was revealed to be all phony. I honestly thought the twist was gonna be that the husband had her kidnapped or something, not an abrasive therapy technique. The 3 leads (2 captives, 1 lead kidnapper)were amazing. Definitely worth getting on DVD, just have to find it


I was really surprised, too! Never saw it coming.


Yes! I loved it. So fresh!

Actually as soon as it was all over and she escaped, I said to myself "that would actually be a good way to make someone appreciate their life more and not be suicidal" haha!

Loved the twist!


i was hoping gaylord focker was involved.



I was actually thinking that this was some sort of intervention or therapy. The "kidnappers" were way too nice especially "Jerry". They got her to come out of her depression and chemical dependency though by exercise and talking with Will. I thought it was done quite well.


I did too. I just can't remember at what point I figured it out. :)


The preview that I watched for this actually gave this plot point away!! Wth? Guess I don't need to watch it now. Lol


Well disguised. That was a complete surprise for me.


It's got to be one of the best twists ever. I liked the whole entire movie but I definitely didn't see it coming. I've never heard of this kind of therapy and I'm not sure how real it really was but in any case the ending was great. The guilt would've been unbearable if I have caused the death of my own child due to negligence. I'm sure this is happened more times than we care to admit in this techno world.


I've just watched it again. The therapy was very elaborate. And they weren't going to tell her either it seems. Until the awkward questions that she asks.
