Liked the movie, don't like Frankie.

Liked the movie, but Frankie was unnecessarily cruel to others. Not cool to ream out the singer on hidden camera.

This band and the people in it are the only power Frankie has, and 39 dates in 16 months doesn't give him much power, at that. Otherwise, he must submit to club owners, bookers, venue managers, and the fickle fans who may (or may not) show up by the dozens.

Admire Frankie stepping up to be a single father to his daughter (which he had at age 50, wtf?) but at some point sell the samurai swords and get your financial act together so you don't have to go begging for $20,000 on Crowdfunder or whatever. Frankie is 64 (62 when the movie was finished), and is doing this because he has to. Father Time takes no prisoners, and in a few years when he hits 70 maybe Quiet Riot can play the "Old-A-Chella" festival in Coachella.
