Favorite Character...?

I would have to say Eren and Jean are my favorite characters.

Who's your favorite Attack On Titan character...?


Kinda weirdly enough, Annie Leonheart.

Yeah, she's a villain, but she's kinda so far the only smart character through the whole time. She doesn't rush off into danger while very emotional, she's very much in control of herself, she joins the Military Police after the horrors of Trost (whereas the rest of the main characters of the cadets are all clearly severely screwed up because of Trost but join the Survey Corps so that they can run into a lot more of that), and she seems to regret what she has to do.

It doesn't hurt that I like her design. Hoodies FTW!

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


Nothing weird about liking Annie. She's a cool character.


Sasha Blouse and Jean Kirstein


This is difficult. There are so many likable and relatable characters.

If I was to pick one who has made the most considerable impression, it would have to be Jean. He starts off as such a selfish douchebag, who cares only about living a peaceful life within wall Sina. However, he is gifted (he would say cursed) with always making the right decision in a time of crisis, and becomes one the most emotionally strong and selfless characters of them all. This lead to him going against his original aspirations and giving up all his dreams to join the survey corps. He is what some people call a "sheep in wolves clothing", or a "diamond in the rough". Despite his abrasive demeanor, he possesses a huge heart with nothing but pure intentions.

*manga spoiler*
The icing on this guy's cake was when without a second thought, he lunged himself at a massive titan in order to save Mikasa. While this made it clear he has strong feelings for her, it also shows that every decision he has made in this series, especially joining the scouts, was the right one. He's amazing.

- The General has spoken.


I'm also fond of Jean. I had no idea I was being so mainstream.

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.


Definitely Mikasa.

The episode where Eren got eaten and the next episode was about her and her story, it really made me appreciate her character and why she and Eren are so close.

Not to mention she's a badass.


I named my new kitty after her!

I love that she is such a badass, but it only comes second to how she is as a support character. Her reactions to both learning of Eren's death, and finding out he is still alive are ridiculously poignant.

If you like these interactions between the two characters, there are plenty more coming your way if you don't know about them already.

- The General has spoken.


Whenever someone says Mikasa all I can think of is "es su casa".



Her character is SO good. When I first saw her, I thought she was gonna be the kind of ditzy female character that many manga and anime writers love to have in their stories.
But no, she is far from ditzy, and she is actually one of the most important characters in the story.


Hanji-san is also one of the smartest. She's probably even more intelligent than Armin. The anime makes her more eccentric than what she actually is.

Sasha wins the ditz queen crown for sure, and of course, she is also one of the fan base's most popular characters.

- The General has spoken.


Captain Levi the only Character who hasn't cried like a b*tch!


Levi, my favorite character as well


*Spoiler for a certain OVA episode*
He does


Captain Levi, and Mikasa.


I like them all but my absolute favorites are Jean, Sasha, Captain Levi, and Hanji!
