Anime Recommendations

God, I love this series but while I have to wait for season 2 are there any other anime anyone can recommend?


Naruto, Ah! My Goddess, High School of the Dead, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Summer Wars (It is an anime movie, not a series). My suggestions.

Because a rotting undead corpse is probably a better choice than most politicians


Soul eater
Fairy tale
Squid girl
Gurren laggan
Sword art online
Blue exorcist
Blood lad


And an anime movie not many people know about
Welcome to the space show.
Brilliant movie


Highschool of the DEAD.


To be honest I find AoT to be overrated. There are far superior anime out there.

Summer Wars (action, comedy, contemporary sci-fi)
Perfect Blue (suspense thriller/mystery)
Paprika (sci-fi; brilliant film)
Akira (dystopian sci-fi with psychological thriller and horror elements)
Ghost in the Shell (brilliant sci-fi)
Metropolis (old-school type of sci-fi, one of my all time faves)
Tekkonkinkreet ( MINDBLOWING and original, transcends genres)
Any Studio Ghibli film, my faves being
Princess Mononoke (cultural folk/period piece fantasy drawing heavily from Japanese mythology, elements of action, romance)
Spirited Away (Alice in Wonderland-esque)
Castle in the Sky (fantasy)
My Neighbor Totoro (best children's film ever made)
The Tale of Princess Kaguya (incredible period piece fantasy based on a Japanese folk tale)

Death Note (suspense thriller/mystery/crime drama/fantasy, and easily my favorite anime series of all time).
Cowboy Bebop (sci-fi, action, drama)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (sci-fi/philisophical drama)
Samurai Champloo (an awesome but short series; a period piece comedy/action/drama that actually contains no fantasy or sci-fi elements whatsoever)
Tenchi Muyo (Comedy/drama/sci-fi/fantasy/romance); there is also an alternate version of this series as well called Tenchi Universe that refocuses more heavily on the comedic and romance aspects to the story and removes much of the drama and crazy sci-fi stuff. Personally I enjoyed the original series far more.
Trigun (Comedy/Sci-Fi/Action)
Outlaw Star (Sci-Fi)
Sailor Moon (Contemporary Fantasy/Sci-fi, comedy, romance)
Dragonball and Dragonball Z (Comedy/action/ fiction elements were added later after the characters grow up and the series begins focusing more heavily on action. It starts out as a more simplistic comedy and fantasy with loveable characters).
Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X (period piece action/comedy/drama with some romance, no fantasy or sci-fi elements)
Fist of the North Star (a graphically violent post-apocalyptic action series heavily, heavily inspired by the Mad Max film series.)




mirai nikki
psycho pass
tokyo ghoul
steins gate
aldnoah zero


You might as well watch the show that is retariding the second season; Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.

I hear it's very similar to Attack On Titan - the only difference being zombies instead of titans.


I watch kabaneri of the iron fortress and it's quite different from attack on titan.I don't know why many people say it's similar to aot.
