Can anyone explain

Why if you chop a titans head off it will regenerate, but if you cut the back of its neck it dies? I mean, that's just lazy


Yeah, called a plothole.

There are many.

It's a nice idea but basically badly written.


not a plothole, it has to do with killing the titans brain functions, which it can extend to its nervous system when the head is chopped off. If you cut the base of the neck it kills the brain functions.


I have an idea for that- Maybe the Titans were created by a parasitic life form which the only weakness is at the base of the Central Nervous System.

Because a rotting undead corpse is probably a better choice than most politicians


It's because that's essentially where their brains are, or rather their control center - the titans come from humans.
I mean, you know how for the titan shifters their human selves are located at the base of their titan's necks? It's like that for regular titans, only their human selves are far more fused with their titan selves, (which is why when you destroy that part, the titan dies) and don't retain much control or memory of themselves or what they're doing. The titans are driven to eat humans in the hopes of eating someone who has he power to shift to and from human and titan. If a non-shifting titan eats a titan shifter, then the titan gains their ability to change back and forth.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


That still does not explain the origins of the Titans, that partly explains their Biology.

Because a rotting undead corpse is probably a better choice than most politicians


The origin of Titans was never really explained to begin with. There were a few hints from the flash back of Eren and the fact that two humans could transform into Titan suggested that the Titans may be all humans but they did not explain why most of them were mindless and few of them were sane.

I think we need to wait for season 3 for the whole picture.


Armored titan and clossal titan is titan shifter too.


Simply put, trauma needs to happen at the nape of the neck to kill the titan. No more than the size of the cut instructed to them is required to bring down any size titan, which actually decreases the chance of killing it. Decapitation can occur without damage to the nape, so the titan grows its head back.

🐺 "The North remembers"


That never made much sense to me either! I would just call it a plot hole, good show though!


You must put a stake through the vampires heart... You must cut the head of a zombie... Just as weird.
The titans seem to be a BOW, and it has a controlcenter in the back of the neck. Thats where the pilots are sitting and to kill a rouge titan you cut it there. Simple.

--There is no spooon


Resident Evil fan? You used the term BOW which is from Resident Evil. Not saying there is anything wrong with it because RE is kick ass.

Because a rotting undead corpse is probably a better choice than most politicians


Yup, RE fan 😄

--There is no spooon


think you can kill any color titan by doin this, not just the rouge ones


You'd think they'd invest in some harpoon guns, balista's instead of cannons. That's what always got me.


Their napes are very low on their neck, when you chop their heads chances are you cut the nape is very low but if you cut the nape too it works.



Without spoiling anything, there's a very specific reason why the nape is the weak spot. The area needs to be cut out or removed, or at least completely destroyed (as they did with cannon fire, if I remember correctly), not just sliced through. Titans have amazing regenerative abilities and if it's not fully destroyed they will regenerate.


People lose their minds over simplest things. I don't bother explaining anymore.


This was revealed in the manga, but only glossed over in the anime, so I'll explain it. Titans were once humans. Something, as of yet unknown, caused them to turn into Titans. The Titan body grows round the human body, The human body is the absorbed and assimilated with the Titan body. When this happens, the human body becomes a nerve that runs through the entire Titan body. The main part of the nerve is located in the nape of the Titan's neck. As long as this nerve is undamaged, the Titan can survive and regenerate. Severing this nerve kills the Titan, thus the nape is the Titans weakness.

In the case with Titan Shifters, the Titan body still forms around the human body, but the human body remains intact, allowing the human inside to keep their humanity and separate from the Titan body later. However, spending too long periods of time in the Titan body will slowly cause the human's cells to be assimilated with the Titan cells until, presumably, they will be unable to return to human form. This last part is unconfirmed, but is implied in the manga.


Last part is bs. Ymir lived 60 in her titan form, only thing that happened is she didn't age.


Not necessarily. It was never outright stated, but in later chapters of the manga, when Eren stayed in his Titan form for long periods of time, it's been more difficult to separate him from his Titan body and has taken him longer to become completely human again. That's why he has those Titan-like markings under his eyes for periods of time after separating from his Titan form recently. Even Armin expressed his concern with having Eren remain as a Titan for too long at once.


Ah, but if you recall, Ymir was a regular Titan for those 60 years. It wasn't until she ate Marcel that she became a shifter.

Rant over. You can all return to your normal lives.
