MovieChat Forums > Lilting (2014) Discussion > Did the mother know?

Did the mother know?

I loved the film, but slightly sceptical that the mother didn't know or was she in denial?


I felt it was implied she did know or at least sensed it. It was a fortnight ago I saw it now, but as I recall, she said she was jealous of Richard and his closeness to her son and, well, obviously no-one has told her and it definitely isn't 100% clear either way.. but my feeling was that even if she hasn't specifically acknowledged it to herself, she understood even when Kai was still alive that Richard was more than just a friend to Kai. And this was, as she admits (not to Richard, but for us) the source of her dislike for him - that she was jealous of their emotional relationship. However Kai hasn't come out to her and Richard would not do that to Kai or to his Mother after his death.

If Junn truly didn't know when Kai was alive though, although he never tells her, it's surely clear to Junn by the end of the film after the time she has spent with Richard and what he does for her.... I would have thought.


[deleted] REVIEW, Really....thanks.



I just died from laughing. LMAO 😂😂😂


I'm pretty sure she had an inkling of Kai and Richard's relationship, but was a parent who wanted to leave it up to her child to be open about it (or in this case, Richard breaking down and airing out all their laundry).


Women are born with a sixth sense. That sense is to be able to read people to protect their children from danger, etc. So this Asian woman had that sixth sense especially if she's chosen to, it seems, remain away from the world so she doesn't or isn't reminded of all she does know. I don't think she didn't know. She knew but wanted to hold out hope. Granted I haven't seen this yet, but with two men taking primary interest in her after her son passed with them there not just to console her but for more about Kai, her son, with them apparently withdrawing questions to spare her heartbreak or heartache that her intuition was spot on IMHO.

So does she "know" by the end of the film? Or do they leave it ambiguous?



I think most mothers know when their son is gay but many choose not to acknowledge it. Not an easy situation for the mother or the son.


True and the cultural thing, they may not be allowing themselfs to know....


Yes, she knows. Richard told her and it was translated properly.

Rather than freak out about the admission, Junn calmly explains that she was primarily jealous of Richard. In her lonely state of mind, she did not spend as much time with Kai as she hoped. Suspecting or knowing he was gay was not the primary issue; to Junn, anybody who was close to Kai seemed to be competition for the attention she craved.

Had Junn not been so jealous and critical of Richard, Kai would have been more easily able to discuss, with her, his sexuality and partnership. In turn, they would've spent more time together and she likely would have lived with Kai and Richard. In a sense, Junn could've had the love of two sons.

In Junn's quest to dominate Kai's attention, while dissing Richard, she alienated herself from whom she needed the most.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


There are mothers who may suspect that there is something unusual about their son. It may flit across their minds (IF they are conscious of that world), but is often dismissed as "No, that's not possible with MY son". Even mothers who have some inkling that such relationships exist are prey to the usual stereotypes and cannot believe that if their son is not flamboyant, then he can't possibly be gay. It's tied up with the way that different cultures view homosexuality. Had she been European, I would have said "Yes, she at least suspected it". In her case, I'm not so sure.



I agree that the mother knew, or at least subconsciously understood that Kai's relationship with Richard was just more than best friends. The way she kept looking at him, like trying to see into his heart. I think she could recognize her own hurt in his eyes and knew that no mere best friend would feel that same kind of grief. I'd like to think that when Junn was alone in Kai's room (which was the room he shared with Richard) that she came across a picture of the two of them together. The director doesn't tell us that that happened, but it is one interpretation you could draw based upon the way Junn looks at Richard when she rejoins him and the interpreter in the kitchen. It's like she's seeing right through the surface.



Right. I'm glad someone else saw this, too.

