Sadly, Sam died yesterday

I am heartbroken that this amazing person, a 17 year old child, who was older and wiser than his years, has passed away. I am so thankful I got to see the wonderful and inspiring documentary "Life According to Sam" in October. He had so much charm,charisma,kindness and smarts. He loved everything about life, and was blessed to have the two incredible parents that he did.

Anytime you feel the need to bitch and moan about your life, what a lousy day you're having, being jealous or angry over petty things, watch this movie, and see what real bravery and a zest for life is. He lived his to the fullest and accomplished more in 17 years than many of us if we live to be 80. My deepest condolences to his family and friends. His parents did so much research and help for other children with this terrible disease, I hope that someday the work they began will be finished and this can be eradicated..especially because it is so unbelievably rare. After watching his documentary, I was really hoping Sam would make it. Hopefully because of him, others will.

Sam, you left your mark on this world. I don't recall the last time I was so touched by a force of personality and bravery like yours. RIP.

Remember us, for we too have lived, loved and laughed


Very well put Bridgetjones. I feel the same way. After I watched his documentary, I made sure that the rest of my family saw it as well.

Rest in peace Sam.


Thank you jazz_thieves. It's amazing how you can "mourn" for someone you've never met, but he really touched my soul, and I also had my family watch it. I just saw it's still ON DEMAND. I'm going to watch it again before they take it off.

Remember us, for we too have lived, loved and laughed


Its very sad indeed. I was moved by the documentary, and in particular the mother. I never knew so much love was possible. I feel so badly for her, she's truly an exceptional person.


I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


I haven't seen the documentary yet, but just finished watching online a speech he gave about three months ago, which brought me here. I too was very impressed at how smart and articulate he was for a 17-year-old kid. If only the rest of our teenagers refused to take things in life for granted the way Sam did.

The Constitution guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome.


Amen to your entire post Bridgetjones. Amazing child, Amazing parents. I only wish that they had more children or do so in the future. They were such loving people and could offer so much to any child. RIP, Sam.
