Charlize or Amanda?

No contest...Charlize wins hands down.

However, I never knew Sarah Silverman looked so good in Old West garb.

I'm a brunette guy, so I might have to think about her.

Of course, bottom line, NONE of the 3 would have anything to do with


I agree, Charlize any day of the week.


Charlize, easily. Amanda is hot, but she looks very plain next to Charlize. I've never really cared much for Sarah Silverman.


Charlize Theron for the win, in this peculiar conest. The Powers That Be apparently think so too, as they made Charlize, not Amanda, the leading lady in this film.

Tell ya what though, I thought Charlize would have been better suited for the Amanda role. Don't shoot me, I'm simply saying that Amanda Seyfried is nice and petite, while Charlize is an Amazon. The IMDb lists her as 5 ft. 10 in. tall, which I don't believe for an instant. This girl is a six footer. It's fairly typical for Hollywood to change vital stats for this or that actor, to make the actor more "suitable" to the public eye.*

Of course, Charlize's height would be no issue with the guy who plays her "husband," the 6 ft. 4 in. Liam Neeson.


*There is an amusing conversation regarding stars and their heights, in the 1953 musical The Band Wagon.

<i>God Bless America![/i]


Sarah can be very hot. She is one of those women who seems to get more attractive as she gets older.


I kept flashing back to The Devil's Advocate with her, but yea she wins hands down.


It was Charlize in the Devil's advocate, not Sarah. I think they're all gorgeous.


I like all three, but Charlize is easily hottest.


Charliez, no question.


Amanda ,Sarah Silverman then Charlize , can't get past the Sean Penn relationship :))


I'll take Sarah, Charlize, and Amanda, in that order.

Pretty amazing to think that a woman as attractive as Amanda Seyfried could end up as a third choice.


I'll take Amanda. Charlize is way too big of a woman for my taste.
