MovieChat Forums > Buckwild (2013) Discussion > People seem to misunderstand HOW Shane d...

People seem to misunderstand HOW Shane died.

I think there is probably a major misconception of how this happened. People hear that they were "muddin", so they figure that they got stuck, gunned the engine, and died within minutes from an intense fog of exhaust.....WRONG!

It likely happened much slower than this. They probably got stuck, and were just too drunk and tired to worry about getting out in that moment. They probably decided to sleep it off and solve their problem during daylight when they weren't so drunk. Unfortunately, they probably got cold and had to start the truck again to get the heater going. This means they probably died after all three of them were sound asleep.

This was a very sad tragedy that likely wouldn't have turned out so tragically if they had gotten stuck during the daytime.




Maybe if they weren't alcoholic rednecks who knew how trucks ACTUALLY worked, they wouldn't have died, I'm just glad to see that this travesty of a show isn't returning. The real death was entertainment.


Jarrettyoung, if you hate this show that much, why are you all over the message boards for it?

It's fine to not like something, that makes the world interesting, different opinions, and it's even cool to share your thoughts and dislikes - I personally love debates - but I don't understand why you'd even bother to come on a board and seek out a show you hate.

Aside from that, your comment about his death being entertainment breaks my heart. Even if you thought he was stupid and even though he was responsible for everyone deaths through his negligence or ignorance doesn't give anyone a right to say horrible things like it was "entertaining"... He was someone's family and many people loved him and have to suffer every day he's absent from their lives.


The real death was entertainment.

ever hear of KARMA?? smh...ignorant asswipe
