How does Sonny ... ? (Spoilers)

Get the money to buy the Viceroy Club, given that he couldn't raise the money to buy the other Hotel..?



I assumed it was Muriel's doing...somehow.


He sold enuf fake DVDs


The sign says that it's associated with Evergreen, and the guy from Evergreen shows up at the end. Remember when Sonny escorted Richard Gere to the Viceroy in the van? They must have gotten to talking business.

"The mind wobbles..." -Kelly Bundy


i'm glad you raised this question - when I left the theatre I didn't understand how he had done it my wife said I wasn't paying attention and he announced during his wedding speech that he had changed his mind and gone into business with his brother??


He doesn't have a brother. Kush was a friend of his bride's brother.

"The mind wobbles..." -Kelly Bundy


OK BUT how did he manage to buy the hotel - was it with the friend of his bride's brother?


No, wow. Somebody above already said it. Richard Gere worked for Evergreen, the company David Strathairn manages, that Patel and Smith visit in America at the beginning.

The Viceroy Club is said to be suffering. Near the end Gere states that if things were slightly differently run, he'd give recommendation for purchase to his bosses. Patel then offers to give him a ride back. It can be presumed they made a business deal in this time. Evergreen bought the Viceroy and turned it into Second Best Hotel.


thank you couldn't the director have made this just a little clearer - we shouldn't have to presume; and of course the Richard Gere character had quit his job with Evergreen - so I was confused but I think your explanation is correct


You didn't need to presume anything, probably just needed to pay a little more attention to the film 😜
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but I think it was quite obvious, especially when the guy from Evergreen showed up and discussed with Muriel Donnelly (Maggie Smith) how he made a quick trip to his new business. Besides at the wedding, Sonny (Dev Patel) made pretty clear he was not in business with Kush, and that he, with his new partnership with Evergreen, someday take Kush' hotel under their wing, so that he can be Kush's "boss".

Michael Samuelle: You still believe in free will? In here there's no such thing.


You are correct. A friend of mine was confused as well, and I explained that the head of Evergreen (David Strathairn) had come to check on his new business. He asked Muriel (Maggie Smith) where to stay and she says it is much quieter here (referring to the First Best Exotic Marigold Hotel).


Well, I was confused too and I'm a very bright person. I couldn't make heads or tails of the conversation about "my investment" and "you now own two hotels." Also, I'm confused about Maggie Smith's character writing that letter. What was it all supposed to mean? Was she dying or not? Will she be alive when they get back from their honeymoon? Is she going to kill herself to keep from wasting away from whatever disease she has?


Actually, afvp, I think you ARE trying to be rude. Since you're aware of the fact that you were, and could have chosen not to be.
Perhaps next time, leave the snarky part out and just give the explanation that was the second part of your answer. And that would be "not rude". Hopefully this will assist you in all facets of your life from now on!


Also, another clue, is right after Sonny offers Gere's character a ride back to his hotel, Muriel Donnelly then comments to herself something along the lines that: Sonny just made a very *wise move*.
