Inapropriate Dancing

Sonny's wife was odd to me. How could you dance w another man like that and not realize that your fiancé would be upset? I don't get why she played so innocent. Who else sees her behavior as inappropriate?

I will hold the Christ light for you. One Bread, One Body


Because Kushal was obviously gay. No threat!!


Hmm pretty sure it was never stated that he was a gay character.

I will hold the Christ light for you. One Bread, One Body


I kinda assumed they were going to reveal that and was surprised they never did.


I never considered the fact that he might be gay, with her brother perhaps?? Haha, guess we will have to wait til' the 3rd to find out.

... this is a maid speaking by the way


Was it not mentioned he was her brother?


No, she says "Kush and my brother are choreographing ...".


Oh lord. Incest is neither tolerated nor encouraged in India.



Only one of many ridiculous setups in the movie.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I think it was fine. Considering that he was her brother's best friend, she probably grew up with him and thought of him as family. She was dancing with him, not sleeping with him. I love dancing while my husband does not so I go out with my "dance boyfriend" frequently. My husband knows he is always welcome but I'm going out dancing with or without him. I'm not cheating on him and everyone knows each other so no problem.


You are one of the rare and lucky people to have a secure husband. It never ceases to amaze me when back in the day, my so-called friends could never POSSIBLY leave the house for an evening without their dear, sweet hubby (gag me)! Their insecurity and their husband's insecurity disgusted me. So good for you that you put your foot down and do what you want to do whether he does or not! To me, that is what marriage should be. The ability to have a companion to share your life with, but still be able to be yourself; not mould yourself into an extension of his personality and vice-versa and act like you can't live or do anything without him!



She may realise he might be upset... but she might also expect him to trust her, which is not an unreasonable request, in a relationship.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Such a wonderful response. Thank you!
Sic vis pacem para bellum.


 !

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
