Actually pretty good...

Don't love how they changed the ending (which in turn changed the meaning), but it was still quite intriguing.

One story line I wish they had kept from the book was Samantha's obsession with the boy band. I know that's nitpicky, and in general they kept the theme of her character, but that was one of my favorite aspects of the book.

I also didn't like the "death personification" aspect, but I understand the need to appeal to a broader audience.

Regardless, I thought it was a great adaption with, for the most part, excellent acting, great character development, and thought provoking themes/character motivations.


Side note: I don't understand the hate. I thought this was very well made.

When I heard the learnd astronomer///Lookd up in perfect silence at the stars.


I don't get the hate either, but these forums are insane, so it comes with the territory!

I also very much enjoyed this, and I haven't read the book to compare it to. The cast was just excellent, and I could see Rowling's ideals through a lot of the themes and characters. The production is probably better than the story, but the whole package is just fine.


I completely agree with you. Unfortunately I haven't read the book and understand that they left a great deal out of this production. The cast is just superb and I really enjoyed it. In fact I'll watch it again in a few weeks (we have it on our VOD).


The hate comes because most people online (even on imdb) are from the demographic that elected Donald Trump and voted for Brexit: For various reasons (mostly economic), they're angry; they want back an idealized life that never actually existed but that did at least make them feel less marginalized; and they cannot STAND the idea of social+economic justice because they (wrongly) equate it with the forces that have taken away the life and status they knew.

The poignant realities of this drama make a lot of people uncomfortable. It takes a lot of courage to look at the complexities that have bred the mess of our contemporary world; much easier to point a finger at a powerless group and BLAME. It's much easier to scorn and cordon off people like Terry and Obbo than it is to understand the forces that shaped them and then help pull them out of the mire + help them become productive members of the community.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


Just finished watching and really enjoyed it despite not reading the novel. Sounds like the obsession would have made it that much better. I too am surprised by all the hate.
