Mexican Box Office

Why Box Office Mojo doesn't include the box office numbers in Mexico of Cinco de Mayo. The movie premiered in may 3th, like in the US, but it's numbers aren't included as it doesn't exist at all.

Something similar happened last year with the movie "Morelos", another historical biopic, very well done for a mexican film, but it's box office numbers weren't included in any table from Box Office Mojo.

Please someone answer this and if you have the box office from Morelos last year, I will be grateful if you can post it.


Sad isnt it? IMDB is mostly populated with mostly american shows. I wouldnt be surprised if most americans fiind this show offensive. Reading the plot may put them off hehe.

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I don't know, but I think that IMDB is a USA creation. It was made by Americans and operated by Americans, so they tend to think from an American point of view.

I doubt that many Americans would be offended by a movie that depicts Mexicans fighting heroically and successfully to defend Mexico from an invasion by the French, supported by Britain and Spain. However, Mexicans might well be offended by a documentary that made it clear that while they won the Battle of Puebla, they were losing the war against the French.

The European powers had taken advantage of the American Civil War to invade our neighbor to the south. While we have not always gotten along well with Mexico and can be argued to have taken advantage of their weakness relative to us, we were not about to stand for European powers interfering. It was the reminder by the USA to the European powers that we believed in our Monroe Doctrine and our unequivocal promise to march south and throw the French out of Mexico that convinced them it was time to call off the attempt establish a puppet government. I commend the Mexicans for defending their country. I also suggest that they might find some gratitude for our support of their independence.


Sorry, but you won't find gratitude from the south of the border for the US "support" in the Independence war, the only "support" received was gun traficking, and the insurgents paid for them.

You won't find any kind of gratitude because the US took away in a costly war more than 2,500,000 square km from México and has been meddling in all the internal conflicts in Mexico for 200 years. The Monroe doctrine is an imperial stance, where the US thinks that America belongs to them and they can intervene military and keep puppet goverments in all the contries of the continent to satisfy their own interests.


I agree with you on the Monroe Doctrine. Fortunately for Mexico, the USA keeps interference by European powers out. We also protect Canada and we charge neither country for our beneficent protection. In fact, we provide an escape valve for Mexico's employment problems, serve as their most loyal and valuable customer (unfortunately that includes illegal as well as legal products, creating problems for both countries), and we accepted control of those disagreeable Texians in a province that Mexico wanted to own but could not control.

It may be that you would prefer a puppet government controlled by Austria, but we would rather deal with Mexicans.


You are right; who said that mexicans prefer US interference to european interference?, by all means we were better as a colony than as an independent nation. Maybe we would have been better with a puppet goverment managed by France or Austria, there's a lot of people here that still prefer Maximilian I over Juarez.

We still would have the US market for our products, and maybe we wouldn't need jobs in the US.

The most funny line is the one over "those disagreeable Texans", that were nothing more that US ilegal inmigrants who wanted to run away with a land that wasn't theirs.

Of course you prefer to deal with mexicans, the States will never want a strong nation with 3,000 km of border with them.
