MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (2015) Discussion > Didn't know BBC could be so interesting!

Didn't know BBC could be so interesting!

Great series. Especially love the period environment atmosphere. Read about the writer and it is amazing. Great actors. Subtle buildup. Even has action sequences! Keep it up BBC America.


IMHO, this series is very well made, almost at the same quality as "The Wire". I m afraid it may suffer the same fate.


What fate?

I'm the clever one; you're the potato one.


Then you haven't checked out Orphan Black!

This show is good. Try reading the book. The show is very serious while the book is filed with humor.


BBC are always making interesting dramas, it's one of the things that do best.



What?! BBC has the best programming in the world, in my opinion: Merlin, Misfits, The Musketeers, Downton Abbey, Luther, Skins, Dr. Who and now this...I LOVE THIS SHOW! Thank you BBC.



It had a subtle build up alright. The disappearing weekly audience failed to notice it.

Its that man again!!


Try 'The Intruders', 'Luther', 'The Tudors', 'Being Human', 'Broadchurch', 'Sherlock'...seriously, I wouldn't start with I didn't know BBC could be so interesting They really are very compelling.


Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes will always be my #1 BBC shows.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


Do not forget "HEX" with a dreamy before-he-was-too-famous Michael Fassbender and a fallen angel.
One season but oh my!


Hex was 2 series and was made by Sky.Michael was in the 1st series.


BBC never fails to surprise me. They make a hit every couple of years. Keep watching and "Just Don't Blink"

Mulder: You're my one in five billion.
