film's ending is not clear

First, of course I knew but there was no caption on the bottom of the screen for the version of this film I saw that said "twenty years later" as other posters have indicated was the case.

Second, did Tom receive clemency? How long was his sentence? Did Isabel receive a punishment? None of this was explained at the end in the film. And when did Isabel die?


Isabel died August 1950. there were captions. the rest, you're right. it's not clear. it's assumed Hannah spoke for them, they got clemency and hannah mentioned that's only a few months jail time.


In the version I saw there were no captions, I wonder if it was cut off at the bottom of the screen.


The ending was definitely rushed. We can only assume that they were granted clemency and lived out in the country childless until Isabel got sick and died. I also had a problem with the scene of them holding hands while on her deathbed. Her hands were so smooth like a 25-year old. Not like a 50 year old woman she's portraying.



I have fabulous hands,and I am in my 50s.. Just sayin


The version I've just seen had no captions either - suddenly the scene was in the future. I think I saw the "1918" caption right at the start of the film, but after that there was nothing.

When I saw someone lying in the hospital bed I had NO idea it was Isabel and husband much older! I thought maybe it was her mother dying and I was confused about why the mother wanted god to forgive her. Seriously didn't get it for a moment.
