Tom or Izzy? Spoilers...

I haven’t seen the movie. But, having just finished the book, I found Tom’s actions to be too selfish and rooted in his own pride. Izzy genuinely loved Lucy, I found her to be much more likable. I wanted her to keep Lucy.

Trolls Need Not Apply


I didn't read the book, but based on the movie, I'd have to disagree with you. Tom was the compassionate one. He also knew right from wrong. His fault was in loving his wife so much that he could deny her nothing. He was prepared to even sacrifice his life for her.

His wife, on the other hand, was selfish and self-centred. She thought the world revolved around her and her needs and her desires. She didn't give a fig about the position she put him in. She manipulated him into lying so she could have her way.


His wife, on the other hand, was selfish and self-centred. She thought the world revolved around her and her needs and her desires. She didn't give a fig about the position she put him in. She manipulated him into lying so she could have her way.



Haven't read the book but just came home from the movie and frankly I'm quite infuriated at toms actions. You must have no heart for your own wife if you can just turn around and rip away from her the one thing she's always wanted. You made a promise to her you would keep the child. YOU MAKE GOOD ON THAT PROMISE. Tom came off truly Incompassionate that he could do that to his wife after the miscarriages and everything she'd been through.


Seriously? The baby was not theirs, Tom made the right choice, Izzy was selfish.


Tom made the right choice
Much belatedly. By which point, it was less clearly the right choice.

The eleventh hour is 10 o'clock and the end of the day has sweet FA to do with your opinion.


I just saw the movie, and I don't think Tom was selfish at all. He was so obviously torn about the situation. He usually seemed to want to do the right thing - report the boat and the baby, ease his wife's obvious emotional pain, let the biological mother know the baby was OK, and even face murder charges to protect his wife.

He only did one thing that bothered me. At the christening, he figured out that the baby might have a mother who was grieving for her, but he let this charade go on for three more years until they met Hannah in person. He should have told Isabel about this possibility much sooner. If he had acted on it then, it may have been less traumatic for Isabel and would certainly be less traumatic for Lucy-Grace.


isabel had lost two children. there is no way to make the situation less traumatic for her.


That is true...


Not sure how Tom can be considered too selfish when she was the one that only thought about herself after the baby washed up. Tom was willing to destroy his life for a woman he doesn't even know, just so she could have her child back, then was willing to give up his own life to protect his wife. That's selfish?
