MovieChat Forums > The Light Between Oceans (2016) Discussion > Does anyone find this premise to be garb...

Does anyone find this premise to be garbage?

They had a son, he died, but luckily (DING DING!) a baby come out of nowhere from the sea. Completly unrealistic. It's like a story where characters are about to go bankrupt.... but they win 100 million at the lotery.


Yeah the premise is a bit far fetched but it didn't stop me from enjoying the film. It's just a movie and I can overlook some things and still enjoy it.


People used to leave babies near churches all the time. You have to have in mind that the story is not happening today, but in a past where babies used to be abandoned all the time and in this case the baby and his dead father were found by a lighthouse keeper.

I also believe that the trailer gave a wrong idea about the two different moments of the story, I don't think Isabel lost her child, buried it and right after the baby showed up.


I just saw the film and she actually loses 2 children. The second one she is laying down beside the cross on the hill when her husband sees the baby and yells to her and they both run down to the beach. In the film it seemed like it was very soon after. I'm not sure quite how much time had passed but it wasn't long. Also the baby wasn't left or abandoned at all. A German man was being harassed by the towns people and basically he tried to escape with the baby in the boat. He had a heart attack and died. The boat with the baby washed to shore in the boat near the lighthouse.

I'm not trying to say it's completely impossible but it's highly unlikely. I have no problem with things like these in movies. It seems the OP does though. Also one more thing that was pretty unlikely but of course it happens in movies all the time:

The husband is in town for the baby's baptism and just so happens to walk by the graveyard where the mother of the dead husband and child is standing over a grave. He watches her and goes to the grave and of course it's the same child they found. Obviously a major coincidence but hey it's a movie. You have to move the plot along somehow.


most movies are centered around unlikely stories. That's because likely stories you find everyday. It's not impossible, therefor it is possible. Imagine this happened, cause I know a similar case that happened for real for someone I know, take it as a coincidence, and think the movie is centered around a story that really happened.

Feel your heart beat.


I started reading the novel and as soon as I saw where it was going I ditched it. It's romance porn, all about some guy whose whole life is dedicated to making some flakey dame happy, even to the point of going against the rules of his job.


You really should try to finish the book. The husband definitely doesn't do everything for his wife and faces a lot of moral dilemmas. Being married with a child I couldn't put it down during the second half because I just felt every character's pain as strongly as if they were my own. It's a must read.


After reading the book, there is a lot more to it than the trailer shows. It is an incredible book and I cried through the second half of it. The moral dilemmas are excruciating, but it is honestly one of the best books I've ever read. I cannot wait for the movie!


Can you fill in any parts from the book that are missing from the movie (things that add to the story, or change it - not minor details, of course).



It wasn't garbage. It was unlikely, but unlikely things have been known to happen.


Why do you need other people to back up your own impression of the film?


Didn't like anything about this film except the abdorable 4-5 year child. My two hours were wasted.


Yes, it looks very cheap story ....


Yet it is the premise of the story, the "what if" that is necessary for any story to be a story. From this point, we follow the characters as they deal with the consequence of their decision, and, if I may, in quite human terms. Thank goodness real life is never messy, nor do real people make stupid but emotionally driven decisions that end up destroying their peace and, often, the peace of those they love.

...Rage, unconfronted, takes its own path ... X-Files
